Rule 22 | Don't be mean to your roommate just because you're jealous.

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TW: Mentions of assault and physical abuse

      I KNEW NAMJOON hyung was attracted to my roommate

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I KNEW NAMJOON hyung was attracted to my roommate. It was all there in his eyes, the way he was acting around her, and the way he kept looking at her when she laughed at something Jimin was saying. He wasn't even drunk. None of us was. And I didn't understand how no one could see it. How she could not see it.

The stolen glances, the slow practised laughter that dripped with charm, the subtle wetting of his lips as he smiled back at her.

At Y/N.

From the way Namjoon hyung's eyes had refused to leave Y/N's face since the moment I'd brought her here, I was pretty fvcking sure I'd have seen neon pink hearts shining in his eyes as he gazed in her direction like a lovesick puppy.

Annoyed, I ripped my gaze away from the nauseating sight in front of me and downed my orange juice in one go, trying to focus on what Jimin was saying.

"—and then Professor Wooseok looked at Y/N here like she'd given him a whiplash." He was narrating, lips curled into a wide, almost proud grin. "The poor old man couldn't believe that Y/N had answered the question that quickly, despite it being the hardest problem he's ever put to freshman students. Priceless. The look on his face was hilarious. Don't you agree, Miss Genius?" He leaned forward to nudge her shoulder playfully, grinning widely, oblivious to the fact that she didn't particularly seem to enjoy the casual proximity or making fun of a professor, as she simply smiled politely and sip on her mango drink before shrinking back into her seat rather quickly.

"Hyung," I quickly diverted his attention towards me, reaching forward to point at the basket in front of him. "Could you pass me that? I'm gonna have some more fried chicken if no one else wants it."

"Yah!" Taehyung and Hoseok both spoke up in unison, snapping up to look at me as they smacked my wrist away, dragging everyone's attention towards me.

"Who said no one else wants it?" Taehyung complained, wilfully grabbing three more pieces for himself as he swallowed the previous one that he had been chewing. "I'm still eating." As if to prove his point, he bit into another piece as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, just pass me another bottle of juice then," I murmured with a huff. I didn't want his chicken, anyway. I just wanted Jimin to keep his hands and Namjoon hyung to keep his googly eyes to himself before I was tempted to leave this place.

I don't know how Y/N had agreed to accompany us. She'd seemed completely inclined to decline the offer even when I'd asked, but when Jimin had promised her something and followed her around for a good five minutes, pleading with her to come, she'd finally given in; and the next thing I knew, we were all sitting here at a table filled with every chicken dish this restaurant offered and not a single trace of alcohol.

This time it was Namjoon hyung who raised an eyebrow at me. "I think our maknae plans to get drunk on orange juice tonight." He commented as Y/N threw an almost guilty look at me before looking down at her hands.

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