Rule 2 | Never insult your roommate.

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   "SO YOU'RE ACTUALLY going to sleep here tonight?" Eyes wide, I softly questioned, facing Jungkook's back as he locked the door before turning to saunter towards his bed

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"SO YOU'RE ACTUALLY going to sleep here tonight?" Eyes wide, I softly questioned, facing Jungkook's back as he locked the door before turning to saunter towards his bed.

He looked extremely tired, all signs of mischievous energy missing from his face. I couldn't believe he was the same guy I'd met this morning as he only paused to throw a quick, almost dismissive glance at me before climbing onto the mattress and lying down without saying a word. 

The awkwardness in the room was nearly tangible as I looked at him calmly stare up at the ceiling. The boy didn't even blink, simply letting out a deep, relaxed sigh as if he couldn't even be bothered to think about my predicament.

"Hello? Are you not going to answer me at least?" I echoed, dismayed at how he was downright choosing to ignore my question and acting like an insufferable jerk.

Clearly, he couldn't care less that I was sceptical about spending a night alone with him.

And why would he, I thought with a grimace. After all he, unlike me, was exactly where he was supposed to be and had not been thrust into the room of some random girl because of some absurd mix-up. Not that he would have minded something like that happening, I immediately noted, my mouth twisting in mild displeasure.

"Of course, I'm going to sleep here." The boy on the adjacent bed responded finally. "What else do you expect me to do, crash with one of my friends or somethin'?"

He sounded slightly annoyed but the wheels of my mind were already whirring. "Why don't you?" I questioned boldly. "I'm sure it wouldn't be much of a problem considering how you let them use your room when they need it too."

Jungkook lifted his head from his pillow to stare at me in disbelief. "No, I won't." He shook his head, refuting the suggestion like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I'm not going to jeopardise my sleep and comfort, nor am I going to go knocking at my friends' doors at this ungodly hour and risk getting caught by the night concierge for you."

I was shocked at his straightforwardness, but Jungkook continued in a tone that was a complete one-eighty from his flirtatious behaviour this morning. "So, if you want to sleep here, sure! Be my guest. It's not like I'm going to jump you or anything." He spoke, mild annoyance lacing his voice. "Just don't keep acting like a prudish, country bum; all desperate to protect your innocence. If you're going to do that, you're most welcome to show yourself out."

Furious, I opened my mouth to retort but he obnoxiously beat me to it again, continuing to ramble on like the self-centred, presumptuous blockhead that he was slowly proving himself to be.

"This is my room - was, before you even came here - and it is exactly where I'll be sleeping tonight." He repeated, firmly.

"You, however, can choose to sleep wherever you want. I won't stop you... and just to be clear, your moral dilemmas have nothing to do with me, nor am I interested in knowing about them. I expect you to keep that in mind if we are going to continue sharing this room without problems." He finished curtly, changing positions to switch off the night lamp on his side and pulling his covers over his head.

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