Chapter 22: Family Is More Than Blood

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Author's Note 📝:
Hi Rebels,
It's the final chapter!!!
I can finally hit the completed button!
You have all been a really supportive.
Enjoy 😊!

Ezra's POV:

I was trapped. Trapped in a darkness I couldn't escape.

I was alone.

Slowly the darkness began to fade and before I knew it I felt someone place their hand on my shoulder.

"Dad?" I said in disbelief. He smiled warmly at me, and I turned to my left to see my mother also smiling. "Mom?!". She nodded.

"It's us, son" my dad said.

"I-I can't believe it! I thought you were gone. You are gone. The Inquisitor killed you. Both of you!" I told them, practically shaking with fear and happiness.

"We did. But our spirits live on inside you Ezra. And we will, always. But you must be willing to let go of he past and embrace change" my dad tells me.

"But... I don't want anything to change" I reply as both my parents and I were looking out of our old apartment window at the glistening city before us.

"They already have, Ezra. You have made us so proud" my mother smiles.

"We need you to keep fighting for those in need. Can you do that son?" Dad asks me. His voice soothingly calm.

"Yes. I can" I reply.

Both my parents look down at me and my mothers voice begins to fade. "And always remember... without hope, we have nothing..." her voice trailed out and the quiet surrounding of the apartment fade away, and is replaced by a steady beeping of a heart monitor.

I slowly open my heavy eyes before jolting up and being thanked by a severe pain shooting all through the left side of my torso.

"Take it easy kid. Your still not fully healed" came a familiar voice.

I looked around me hastily to see Kanan by my side trying to make me lay back down.

"W-what happened?" I asked.

"You don't remember? You took a knife to your left torso, after a fight with the Inquisitor and passed out" he explained calmly.

"But... what about my parents?!" I ask Kanan hastily.

He looks at me cluelessly for a moment. "You where asleep for two days kid. I don't know what you saw, but it was all in your head" he replies.

I sigh and lean back in bed, thanks to the help of Kanan, as he gave me a reassuring smile.

Suddenly Hera, Zeb, Sabine, Jai and Zare burst into the room. "Ezra!!!" both Spectres cheered and ran to my side before hugging me, being careful of the gash on my side.

"That plan was insane!!! You shouldn't have done it!" Zare scolded, "but I'm glad you did" he smiled with a hand on my shoulder.

"I couldn't have just left you there with Kanan. He would have lectured you for all eternity" I joked, which earned a "hey!" From Kanan.

"Well, it is true dear" Hera laughed and rested her hand on Kanan's shoulder before he too smiled at my joke.

"You almost gave us a heart attack!" Sabine gently punched my shoulder.

"Good to have you back kid" Zeb welcomed me with a smile.

I smiled at them before looking at Kanan again who was glancing at Hera. "Can we talk to you for a moment?" Asked Kanan hopefully.

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