Chapter 18: How Could Thigs Possibly Get Worse?!

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Hi everyone 😁!
The story updates should be coming faster now, because I only have one GCSE left :)
Hope you're enjoying the story 😊.

Ezra's POV:

It was about 6:35 in the evening and Zeb, and Sabine were in my room trying to teach me to play a game called "Monopoly", and so far it was turning out to be a pretty pointless game.

Hera was cooking up some dinner, and Kanan had yet to come home from his shift at the police station which was taking longer than usual.

After a while, I sighed, "I really don't get the point of this game. Why are we buying imaginary houses?"

Zeb throws me a raised eyebrow, "it's just a game, kid".

"But what benefit do we get from playing the game. It just seems like a lost cause to me" I reply, crossing my arms.

Sabine smirked and looked up at me after organising her money. "Well... your benefit is knowing how to play the game by the time it's over".

I sighed. It was an enjoyable game, but it was taking a very, very long time to complete.

Jai, Zare and I had pulled off heists shorter then this game!

The game lasted for another ten minutes before I lost my patience. "Can we play a different game now?" I ask.

"Ezra!" Hera called for the bottom of the stairs, "It's time to draw your curtains now".

I arise from my spot on the carpet and look out of the window at the rain that had started pouring down around an hour ago. It's getting closer to Winter now, and the evenings are becoming darker much more quickly.

Suddenly, a hand appeared out of nowhere and slammed onto the glass on the outside of the window!

"KARABAST!!!" I shout as I instinctively stumble back.

Zeb and Sabine tense at the sound of the thump, followed by my reaction, but they didn't say anything.

Apparently, Hera also heard it. "Ezra Bridger! Watch your language, young man!".

My eyes stayed locked onto the hand that was on the window, until it moved, revealing the all to familiar- but somewhat soaked- face of Jai Kell!

Snapping out of my trance, of thinking that I was living a horror movie, I hurried back over to the window and pried it open before watching Jai scramble through it like a traumatised kitten, and falling to the flaw with a loud bang.

"What Was That?!" Hera called.

I quickly answered, "I... uh... stubbed my toe" I called back.

"That was a very loud bang for stubbing your toe. What on Lothal did you stub it on?!" Hera asked, clearly concerned for the boy.

"The Carpet!" I mindlessly exclaimed, before mentally facepalming myself.

There was a silence.

"You are aware how pathetic that sounds, right?" Sabine asked me with a sceptical look.

I glare, "you try doing this under pressure!" I whisper shout at her.

"Um... well... okay? As long as your not hurt" Hera finally replies, probably not expecting me to have told her that I had 'stubbed my toe on the carpet'.

I didn't want to lie to her, but it's much easier, in this situation, than explaining why a teenage boy has come crashing into the house at 6:45, through the attic window!

Jai arose from his position on the floor. A saddened and horrified look plastered on his pale face. "We're in trouble" is all he says.

"What are you talking about?" I wearily ask, dreading the answer.

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