Chapter 6: A House Or A Home?

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Author's Note:
Hi, sorry for the late update. I have been a bit busy with school.
Hope you enjoy 😊

After Ezra had been dismissed from the hospital, he grabbed his backpack from the corner of the room and began following officer Kanan.

Kanan led Ezra through the long endless halls of the hospital towards the exit, noticing how the kid was constantly on edge and his gaze was daring around him as they walked.

"you okay, Kid?" Kanan asked the nervous boy, who jumped when Kanan began speaking.

"what? Y-yeah" Ezra answered nervously.

There were hundreds of questions on Ezra's mind. He didn't know this officer, and yet he was going to have to stay with him! Ezra hadn't trusted a cop since his parents disappeared.

Kanan wasn't convinced by Ezra's answer, but decided to let it slide.

They both exited the hospital and Kanan led Ezra to what looked like an average car.

"is that an undercover police car?" Ezra asked curiously. Kanan stopped, surprised by the boy's question. "what? How did you know?" asked Kanan with shock. He hadn't expected the near 15-year-old to be able to tell a normal car and an undercover police car apart.

"when you're constantly on the run from the police, you tend to know these things. Also, there's a flashing light inside it" Ezra adds with an amused smile.

'that's a first' Kanan told himself, as he also made a mental note to tell chief Ahsoka that all the criminals in the town can tell a normal car apart from undercover police cars and that that kind of defeats the whole point of it being "undercover".

Kanan opened the door for the boy and he hesitated for a moment before wearily climbing into the back.

Kanan closed the door behind the boy and then went round the car and got into the front.

Ezra was silent throughout the car journey, which worried Kanan. How long had this kid been alone?

Eventually Kanan thought enough was enough and decided to start a conversation.

"so, I'm sure you'll like it where I live. I am sure that my wife, Hera will be super excited to meet you" Kanan declared with a smile, even though in his mind he was thinking, 'oh god, my wife is gonna kill me for not telling her that I was bringing a kid home to stay with us'. Kanan could almost hear her.

"you have a wife?" asked Ezra with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"what? Are you surprised?" asked Kanan with a smirk. Ezra slightly smiled but didn't answer.

"does anyone else live with you?" asked Ezra nervously. "well, my wife and I have adopted two kids before. There is Zeb, who is now 19, and has been living with us since he was 17. He is a bit grouchy sometimes, but you get used to it. And then there is Sabine, who is 16, loves art, and has actually been very fascinated by you ever since she saw you on the roof two days ago. That was you right?" asked Kanan.

Ezra went silent for a moment, probably trying to remember. I mean can you blame him after he was knocked out?

"is Sabine the one who was looking at me through the car window?" Ezra asked.

"yeah, probably" Kanan answered with a smile. He then laughed slightly, "if I was you, I would be expecting a lot of questions from her. She has talked nonstop about you since we arrived".

Ezra looked down, "do I have to answer all of them?".

"no, no. only the ones that you feel comfortable with" reassured Kanan, as they continued driving.

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