Chapter 19: As One!

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Author's Note:
I have officially finished my GCSE's!!!
It is almost the end of the book before I make part 2. 😁
Hope you enjoy 😊!

Ezra's POV:

The morning came around faster than I would have liked, but Jai and I were up and dressed as soon as the sun had risen.

It was now about 6:45am and we were waking up Zeb and Sabine so that we could all head to Tarkintown to get backup.

"Is Kanan awake yet?" I asked Sabine, who's room is next door to Kanan's.

She sook her head before replying, "he's downstairs having a cup of coffee with Hera".

I nodded as I retrieved my backpack and Jai's hoodie out from under my bed, and put it inside.

"Okay. Step 1: get to Tarkintown without anyone suspecting anything. It looks suspicious if we just walk out of the house" I whisper as we begin to creep down the stairs.

Zeb give me a deadpan look. "The only thing that looks suspicious is how much whispering your doing! Trust me Ezra, if you just walk out of the house, it is much less suspicious then whispering. It's not like anyone expects a teenager to be leading a criminal gang" he smirks.

Once we get to the bottom of the second staircase, we all decide to use Zeb idea and just walk out of the door, however before we could step outside, a voice stopped us and Jai tensed.

"And where do you think you kids are going?" Kanan asked as he stood behind us with his arms crossed.

"We we're just going for a morning walk. It's such a beautiful day outside today" Sabine smiled, and we all looked out of the, now open, door to see it pouring down rain.

Classic New York.

"...uh..." Kanan replied, looking slightly confused.

"It's not that bad" I defended, but was interrupted as a clap of thunder went off.

Jai facepalmed.

The absence of conversation seemed to stretch on forever, until Kanan finally sighed. "If you must. But stay clear of the police station today, there is most likely going to be some aggressive negotiations going on in that area today".

Kanan looks directly at me, "I mean it".

After that the four of us ran down multiple alleys and over the fence to Tarkintown. And to my astonishment, Zeb didn't even ask where why we where running down alleys.

"You seem pretty calm about this" I say to him as we run through the Tarkintown.

"Yeah... well... you get used to this kind of stuff after a few weeks of living with you", he playfully punched my shoulder, and I smiled at him.

Eventually, we came to the entrance of the HQ and quickly had barely entered when Jai and I were embraced in a group hug from Moreena and Oleg.

"We thought you three jerks were in trouble!" Moreena shouts as she pushes Jai and I to the ground. But then she notices something. "Wait. Where's Zare?".

"He got captured last night, and Jai came to me for help. The police are using him as bait to capture me and presumably lure the rest of the Rebellion in with me" I explain as a mixture of shock and sadness cross their mud covered faces.

Zeb comes over to me and gives me a hand up. "Ezra says he's got a plan though. Something called 'mission FireBird'. Do you two runts know anythiń about that?" Zeb asks with finger quotes.

They give each other a look before returning to me.

"Are you sure?" Oleg asked. "I mean... as much as I've been complaining about your disappearance... you seem much happier now then you did before" he trailed off.

"I'm doing what needs to be done. For Zare, and for the Rebellion. The Rebels can't have a leader who is living two lives" I explain.

Thankfully there were no more questions on my decision and we were only left discussing the plan as Oleg went to gather the rest of the Rebellion.

"Okay. We are like this leaf" I announce suddenly as I point to a shrivelled up plant on the floor of the HQ.

"It's a dead leaf" Moreena points out, totally unamused.

"Well yes but, it's still upright and hasn't given up just yet" I tell them, being optimistic.

Jai suddenly reaches out towards the shivered plant and poked the leaf which then falls off of the dead-ish plant.

Jai, Moreena, Sabine and Zeb glance at the now dead plant and the back to me with deadpan looks.

I look back at my teammates and sigh, "Okay. So it's not my best analogy. My point is that we can't give up".

"There ready for you Phantom" Oleg announces as he comes into the room.

I exit the tent and stand before at least 200 teens and kids. "you may be wondering why I am standing in front of you all today, and it is because we are launching mission FireBrid" whispers broke out within the crowd, but I continued.

"We have been called criminals. We are not. We are Rebels, fighting for the people. Fighting for you. I'm not that old, but I remember a time when things were better in Lothal. Maybe not great, but never like this. We need to stand ip and fight. I know this is hard, and that you're all scared. I am too. But we can't back down just because we are afraid, that's when we need to stand the tallest. That's what my parents taught me" I looked behind me at Sabine and Zeb. "That's what my new family helped me to remember. We are stronger together, and will remain so for the rest of our lives. If we stand together then we can conquer any challenge that life throws in our way. When we are together we can make it through. Even when others say it is impossible. Even when everything is going wrong. Stand together. Because that's when we're strongest. As one!".

The crowd filled with cheers and whistles.

We are ready!

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