Chapter 5: Ezra Bridger

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Author's Note:
Hi all, sorry for the wait. I know it's a bit later than I planned to update this, but it's here now.
Thank you for your patience 😊👍🍀

Ezra was totally unaware of what had happened after he fell into unconsciousness. His memories were all a blur.

As he slept, dark memories played through his head on repeat. Memories that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get them out of his head. Memories of when he lost his parents, and never saw them again.

Suddenly, the powerful smell of hand sanitizer hit his nose, and the memories from the heist all came rushing back.

Ezra put the pieces together and realised with extreme panic, that he was in a hospital bed.

Then it all made sense. Someone must have brought him to the hospital after the explosion.

Once Ezra dared to open his eyes, he took a moment to let his eyes adjust to the blaring light before he found that his theory was correct.

Looking around the room, Ezra could see the horrible mint colour that stained the walls, as well as the hospital bed with snowy white sheets that he was laying on.

"karabast" Ezra mumbled to himself. Thankfully, there was no one else in the room. 'maybe, just maybe, I can sneak out of here before they know that I am awake', Ezra thought to himself.

Ezra hauled himself into a sitting position. 'karabast... everything hurts' his mind told him.

He eyed the room carefully, trying to come up with a plan, but unfortunately a doctor, wearing a lab coat came into the room. Once the doctor saw that Ezra was awake, he smiled kindly, even if Ezra didn't return the gesture as crossed his arms with suspicion instead.

The doctor came up to the hospital bed with a pen and clip board and took a seat in the chair beside Ezra.

"my name is doctor Tseebo. Could you please tell me your name?" Tseebo introduced. Ezra didn't say anything but kept eye contact with the man.

Tseebo sighed, before speaking again, "I know who you are. We did a DNA scan on you". Ezra sighed, "when can I go?" Ezra asked.

"Well Ezra, we did a medical test on you, and you are severely underweight as well as some vaccinations that you have need but haven't had. Were you living on the streets?" asked Tseebo, completely ignoring the boy's question.

"yeah, so what?" asked Ezra defensively. "you are too young to be out on the streets. And your medical file says that you haven't been seen in over eight years!" Tseebo explained.

Ezra's gaze moved to the sheets of the bed, not knowing how to reply to that. "you don't have a concussion, so you are free to leave, but not back to the streets" informed Tseebo.

"what?! Why?! I have nowhere else to go!" questioned Ezra. Tseebo looked puzzled for a moment, as if lost in thought.

"I thought you were going home with the officer who brought you here?" asked Tseebo.

"wait. An Officer brought me here?!" asked Ezra with total surprise. He thought that since they would just throw him straight in a prison cell.

"yes, he has been waiting outside, ever since he brought you here" explained Tseebo. "and he said that he will be taking custody of you until further notice".

"what officer?!" Ezra asked frantically, even if he was trying not to sound paniced. Tseebo then left the room, and a tall man with emerald eyes, and hair tied back in a ponytail, dressed in a police uniform, entered the room and stood by the bed.

"hey, kid. How are you feeling?" asked the officer with a kind, sympathetic smile as he stared into Ezra's dazzling, electric blue, eyes.

Ezra only shrugged in response.

"I'm officer Jarrus. But since you are coming to stay with me, you can call me Kanan" Kanan smiled before continuing. "so, what's your name kid? Or am I just going to have to call you Phantom forever" asked Kanan.

"the doctor didn't tell you my name?" asked Ezra with slight confusion.

"oh, he did, but I'd much rather you told me" informed Kanan. Ezra thought for a moment before mumbling "Ezra".

"well, nice to meet you Ezra. If I don't recall, the last time we met, neither of us made a good first impression" smiled Kanan. Ezra thought back to a few days ago.

"wait. You're the cop who chased me down five blocks!" Ezra realised.

"well... in my defence, you were stealing" reasoned Kanan, regretting reminding the kid of that. "and besides, we can put that behind us now".

Ezra didn't reply, so Kanan decided to continue. "anyway... what were you doing on that truck that you blew up?".

"I didn't blow it up" protested Ezra with a frown.

"right... then why were you lying on the road unconscious? You were the only one there!" said Kanan.

Ezra gave a mental sigh of relief, if Kanan didn't see anyone else there, then that meant Jai and Zare got away safely.

"it's... complicated" answered Ezra after a moment of silence.

"okay" the officer known as Kanan replied. He sounded totally unconvinced but decided to let it go for now.

"when you're ready, I am going to take you back to mine, and my family's house" Kanan informed.

Once again, Ezra was confused, "why are you taking me to your house? I thought you were going to take me to jail?" he questioned.

Kanan looked at the kid but felt sympathy. "Ezra, you're a minor. I'm not going to lock you up" he explained.

Ezra stayed silent for a moment. "however, I will be asking you questions about yourself and why you have been pickpocketing. According to our profiles on Ezra Bridger, not Phantom, that you went missing almost eight years ago, and that people presumed that you were dead once your parents went missing. Where were you for eight years?" Asked Kanan with a hint of worry laced into his voice.

Ezra's gaze tuned to the floor, not wanting to think of that night. The night his parents went missing.

Kanan sighed, realising that he wasn't going to get any information out of the boy yet.

But in time he knew he could get Ezra to tell him. Ezra just needed time.

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