The Truth: Part Two

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     "What did he say, why you crying?" Legend asked once I got back into the car.

     "He won't help either, maybe you can talk to Officer Lancer, get him to talk to the guy who has her files and everything?"

      "No Skye, I'm not fucking with him. Trust me he's not going to help."

     "You're not even trying!" I urged.

     "I don't have to try! Not bringing you up to that nigga is best. Lancer is only going to look out for himself. That's the last person you want to get close to, I didn't tell you this before but he threatened to come after you if I didn't do something he wanted. I'm not having your blood on my hands, I'm not going to him period!"

     I'm running out of options, most likely the agent on this list is going to want the same thing from me. Knowing my mother, well actually the person she's turned into she would probably want me to sleep with the judge for her freedom.

     I'm holding on to that thought but if I do, there is no guarantee he'll dismiss her case! My only rational thought right now is pulling up on my uncle and spraying his ass with bullets for starting all of this. Every fiber in my body wants to cast death upon him but whether it's deserved or not I don't know if I can live with the fact of being a murderer. Times are hard as they ever been, my mother's preliminary hearing is tomorrow at ten in the morning. Only thing I can do is pray now that whatever my father is hiding in this locker will have the answers to my problems. Been so stressed out I forgot all about what could be awaiting to help my ass out.

     "Legend! You have to take me to the port authority! Come on, drive nigga drive!" I demanded.

     "Damn I'm going, calm down!"

     Hope is all I'm holding onto at this point. If my father has been through this before with my uncle, that locker must hold the secret to something to get us out of this shit. But even before death, I don't think he ever imagined something like this happening to his family. Entering the station I was careful, I hoped nobody was watching. I may not be the only person who knows about this locker. Turning the key to the door I opened up to see this medium black yet heavy duffle bag. I cautiously walked back to the car and ordered Legend to drive around the city for a while in case we were followed. Paranoia at its finest, but I rather be very cautious at a sensitive time like this. Finally after a while we ended up back at the safe house.

     "What did I tell you, ain't no way that nigga going to leave this world without leaving something behind."

     "How much is it so far?" I asked as Legend counted through the money.

    "$34,000, I still got the other suitcases to count."

     "He left a note," I began to read.

Hello Love,
       I'm sorry I had to leave you so soon, if you're reading this that means you listened to your old man and unfortunately shit has hit the fan. Whether it was by the hands of your mother or someone else, I prepared for this moment. Skye, I just want to start of saying I'm very proud of you and I will always love you. You might not realize it yet, but you were destined for great things I see nothing but potential in you. My whole world changed for the better when you came along, I wish I could be there for you as life goes on but I will always be here spiritually.
      Enclosed in these briefcases is close to a million dollars, I saved ever since the day you were born. Hopefully you don't have your mother's instinct and blow it all. I trust you'll do the right thing and put it towards you and your brothers' education, maybe even get the hell out of New York. I have another present for you baby, for months you've been asking me for a diamond necklace with the matching earrings. I wanted to honor you with one on the day of your graduation, but I didn't make it to see the day. I know you been on your school work like I had you, so here's an early present in the left pocket in the duffle bag.
      Now I need you to grab a seat if you haven't already, I need to come clean with something. No matter how this letter makes you feel, believe me when I say I meant no harm. If you are in deep trouble, I need you to travel upstate to Lancaster. I'll have the direction on the back. Look inside the right flap, by now you may have uncovered some pictures of a baby. That's your sister, her name is Luna Marie Bryant. While I was living I wish I had the heart to tell you but I know you and your mother would hate me for fathering another child. Skye, I loved your mother. But your mother never matched my 50% though, that all a relationship is about.

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