Chapter Twenty Six

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It was finally the Holidays and we had Harry come with us after himself and Edeline had gotten off the train and when we made it back to the house, both Harry and Edeline were hanging out and talking with each other before, "we'll be going to Sirius's place along with the Weasley's if that's alright with you." Remus told me and I smiled at him before kissing him, "that's fine with me. How is Arthur anyways?" I said to him, "he's out of the Hospital and back home." he said and I sighed a little and the four of us hung out as we wanted to get our minds off of everything for a while as we spent a few days at home before going to Sirius's place after we had exchanged gifts, "here we go. Daddy's back." Mrs. Weasley said before everyone sat down and I stood behind Edeline along with Remus before Mrs. Weasley started handing out presents to everyone and saw that Edeline had gotten a handmade purple scarf with matching gloves and hat before we noticed Harry walk in with Sirius before Arthur wanted to make a toast, "a Christmas toast to Mr. Harry Potter and Miss. Edeline Lupin, without whom I would not be here. Harry and Edeline." he said and we all and eventually, we started eating and talked together and had a few laughs as well before the kids left the Kitchen and went to hang out for a while and I held Remus's hand the entire time as I missed him and after a while, I had gone to check on Edeline along with Sirius only to see the both of them in an empty room, "Kreature. That's enough of your bile. Away with ya." Sirius said to him, "of course Master. Kreature lives to serve the Noble house of black." he said to Sirius before he walked away, "Sorry about that. He never was very pleasant, even when I was a boy, not to me anyway." Sirius said to them, "you grew up here?" Harry asked him, "this is my parents house. I offered it to Dumbledore as Headquarters for the Order. About the only useful thing I've been able to do." Sirius said to them, "what is this then. On the wall?" Edeline asked him, "this is the Black Family Tree. my deranged cousin, I hated the lot of them. My parents with their Pureblood mania. My mother did that after I ran away. Charming woman. I was 16." Sirius said to them as he pointed out his burnt out picture on the wall, "where did you go?" Harry asked him, "your dad and mums. I was always welcomed at the Potter's. I see him so much in you Harry and the same goes for you Edeline, I see both your mother and father in you. You are so very much alike." Sirius said to them, "I'm not so sure. Sirius, when I-We saw Mr. Weasley get attacked, I wasn't just watching, I was the snake," Harry told him, "and for me, it felt like I couldn't move to help him. It was like I was being forced to watch it all happen." Edeline mentioned, "and afterwards, in Dumbledore's office there was a moment when I wanted- this connection between the both of us and Voldemort, what if the reason for it is that we are becoming more like him. I just feel so angry all the time and what if after everything that we've been through, something has gone wrong inside us?" Harry said to him, "what if we're becoming bad?" Edeline asked him and I began to tear up a little, "I want the both of you to listen to me very carefully, Harry and Edeline, you're not bad people. You two are very good people who bad things have happened to. You two understand." Sirius said to the both of them and they both nodded, "besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters, we've all got light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we chose to act on. That's who we really are." Sirius said to them before Hermione came around, "Harry, Edeline. Time to go" she told them, "when all this is over, we'll be a proper family. You'll see." Sirius said before he hugged the both of them before Harry and Edeline left the room with Hermione, "I think they needed that." I told Sirius as the both of us walked away from the room, "I think we both know they need more than just words to help them." he told me, "I know. But I'm glad they have more than just Ron and Hermione to help them through this. I know it's not easy considering what's going on." I said to him, "it's good to see you again Rosie." he said before the both of us hugged before Remus came around and had given Sirius a hug as well, "see you soon" I said to him before Remus and I left with Edeline and Harry and eventually made it back to the house and spent the rest of the Holiday together.

Edeline's P.O.V
School had started back up again and I was with Hermione and Ron as we rushed up to Harry after finding out that Hagrid was back, "Harry. Hagrid's back" Hermione told him, "let's go." I said to him before we left and rushed over to Hagrids and once we had gotten there, we began to hear Umbridge's voice as she talked with Hagrid and we decided to peek through the window and overheard what they were talking about before we had to hide as Umbridge was now leaving Hagrids and once she was far enough, we managed to knock on Hagrids door before he opened it, "come in, come in." he said to us and and the three of us walked inside and sat down and talked with him, "this is top secret. Alright? Dumbledore sent me to parly with the giants." Hagrid told us, "Giant's?" Hermione questioned, "shh" Hagrid said to her, "you found them?" she asked him, "well, they're not that hard to find to be perfectly honest. They're so big, you see. I tried to convince them to join the cause. But I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over." Hagrid told us, "Death Eaters" Ron and I said to him, "yes. Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who." Hagrid told us, "and, did they?" Harry asked him, "I gave them Dumbledore's message. I suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them." Hagrid said, "and they did this to you?" Harry asked, "yeah, it looks like you had a rough time trying to do so." I mentioned to Hagrid, "not exactly no." Hagrid said before his dog started barking and Hagrid had given the dog the meat he had in his hand before I felt a breeze against my side and we all got up and looked out the window, "it's changing out there. Just like last time. There's a storm coming Harry, we'd all best be ready when she does." Hagrid said and I sighed a little and the four of us eventually left Hagrid's place and made our way back to the school until we made it to the Great Hall just as everyone was eating breakfast, "Dumbledore warned Fudge this could happen. He's going to get us all killed because he can't face the truth." Hermione said to us before Seamus stopped us, "Harry. Edeline. I uh, I wanted to apologize. Now even my mum say's the Prophet's version of things don't add up. So what I'm really trying to say is, I believe you." he said to us and Harry and I just looked at each other, "well, if you want to join, we've been meeting in the Room of Requirement." I whispered to Seamus before we sat down and ate before going to class and before I managed to get to the Room of Requirement later that day, I went to see Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall as they have been helping me in becoming an Animagus.

Rosalie's P.O.V
When classes were over for the day, everyone who knew about what we were doing continued to meet in the Room of Requirement and saw that Seamus started showing up now as well, "when did he start coming here? Did you guys patch things up with him or something?" I asked Harry and Edeline, "yeah pretty much. He apologized this morning during breakfast." Edeline said to me, "it's true, he said he believed us." Harry said and I smiled a little, "well I'm glad." I said to them before we continued as we agreed to start with the Patronus Charm today and both Edeline and Harry helped everyone with it, "Make it a powerful Memory. The happiest you can remember, allow it to fill you up. Keep trying Seamus." Harry said to everyone, "just remember what Harry and Edeline said, what's the happiest memory you can think of?" I said to Hermione and she thought about it before smiling, "have you thought of one?" I asked her and she nodded, "Expecto Patronum." she said and once she had done so, it turned out to be an Otter as it circled her, "good Job Hermione" I said to her as I continued to walk around and checked on Luna, "How are you doing Luna?" I asked her and she smiled and Spoke up, "Expecto Patronum" she and hers turned out to be a rabbit, "nice work Luna." I said as I continued to help some of the others before we all noticed something happened and I furrowed my brows a little, "mum, what was that?" Edeline asked, "I don't know, but I don't think it's good" I mentioned and looked at Harry before looking at the doorway in front of us before the glass began to fall and break, "Nigel come here." I said to him after Harry moved him out of the way and I grabbed them just in time before the wall exploded leaving behind a cloud of dust before it disappeared for us to see clearly, "you two alright?" I asked the and they both nodded before seeing Umbridge, Mr. Filch and some of the Slytherins standing behind them before Draco dragged Cho into view, "Mrs. Lupin, I'm surprised to see you here. You and your daughter and Nephew will be joining me in going to Dumbldore's office to meet with the Minister." she said to me, "then you can go to hell. If you lay one finger on either of them, I'm sure you will regret doing so." I said to her and all she did was smile, "I'm sure of it Mrs. Lupin. But I'm afraid you have no say in any of it dear." She said to me before Kingsley and a couple of others appeared before Kingsley grabbed my arm, "I know what you're thinking, but it's not what you think. The Minister is already waiting in Dumbledore's Office and Dolores is going to pin this whole thing on Dumbledore." he whispered to me as we left the Room of Requirement, "but it wasn't his Idea. Dumbledore had nothing to do with this." I whispered to Kingsley, "I know but the Minister thinks otherwise. Umbridge had been keeping tabs on the entire matter." he told me, "that bitch." I said as I had gotten angry as we continued to make our way to Dumbledore's office.

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