Chapter Twenty-Three

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Evan felt like he couldn't breathe as Aideen lost consciousness in his arms. Thankfully, help arrived right after.

"Oh my God..." Arnie whispered in horror.

"Sit this one out, Arnie," Alex said firmly.

"But she... She needs me..." Arnie's eyes rolled into the back of his head. He collapsed beside Melissa. He was bleeding.

"Arnie!" Melissa cried in alarm.

Alex sighed. "They're too connected," he said. "Melissa, focus on healing Arnie. Dylan and I will work on Aideen."

"Evan, how long has she been unconscious?" Jesse demanded.

"Not long... She blacked out right before you got here," Evan replied tonelessly, making a conscious effort to keep himself in Hitman Mode. Emotions would only get in the way.

"What did this to her?" Dylan asked as he and Alex started to heal her.

"Jean did some of it, but he didn't bite her anywhere that would infect her," Evan replied. "A spell also attacked... There was a powerful warlock... Female. I didn't recognize her."

Alex frowned. "There's something almost familiar about the energy," he said. "It kind of reminds me of Cierra, but a lot darker."

"So Cierra when Daddy Dearest was controlling her?" Dylan asked.

"No... It's even darker than that. Cierra was forced to harm others. This warlock chooses to. She enjoys it."

Aideen groaned in pain as she regained consciousness. "Deenie..." Evan whispered in relief. He took her hand in his. "I mean... Aideen. Are you okay?"

"You didn't infect me," she replied.

"You wouldn't have wanted that."

She nodded, then winced because it hurt. "Ev..."


"You can call me Deenie." She smiled at him weakly.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." She squeezed his hand. He clung to it, trying to reassure himself that she really was okay.

Arnie slowly sat up and groaned. "Deenie..." He mumbled.

"Over here, Arn," she replied.

He made his way toward her before flinging his arms around her. "Don't scare me like that!" He cried.

"Sorry. Next time a hungry lycanthrope tries to kill me, I'll tell it you said no," she replied dryly.

"My apologies for being late to the healing party," Melissa said. "Arnie went all empathic and needed my help."

"That's okay. It's better you were here for him." Aideen paused. "Jesse... Come here," she said.

Jesse obediently knelt beside her. She flicked his nose pretty hard, making him recoil. His wolf looked at her with wounded puppy eyes. "What was that for?" Jesse asked.

"For suggesting that giving me fur was a good solution to the problem," Aideen replied. "That was a very naughty puppy!" She flicked his nose again, causing his wolf to whimper softly. Then, she hugged him. "And this is for showing up in time to save me. If you and Evan hadn't gotten here when you did, I'd have been mauled..." She closed her eyes and looked a bit broken when she opened them again.

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