Chapter Seventeen

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With electricity restored to Salem, Bishop High School resumed classes the following day. Jade had been on campus for two periods and she already wanted to leave. Everywhere she went reminded her of Serena and of what she'd done. She'd used her powers to kill her friend. She was evil. She finally walked into the bathroom and started to cry. Jade wasn't a cryer, so whenever she lost the fight against her tears yet again, she felt weak.

A surprised gasp came from the doorway. "Jade?" A voice asked. "Are you crying?"

Jade wiped her tears away and spun around. The last person she expected sympathy from was watching her with concern. "What's wrong?" Kit asked her.

"Nothing," Jade replied hastily.

"Bull. Is this about Serena? We heard she's one of the ones who died in that shooting."

"She was one of the people doing the shooting," Jade snapped at her.

"Well, crap. That's every goth stereotype personified."

"Go away, Kit."

"Look, I wasn't Serena's biggest fan. You know that. But I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Not even I am that bitchy. What really happened in there?"

"It was a random act of gang violence based in racism and hatred," Jade quoted the official story the Unit had put together for the general public.

"Jade. What really happened?" Kit touched her arm. It was surprisingly gentle and soothing. Her unlikely affinity for water was at work.

Jade sighed. "Lycanthrope hunters. She was working with them."

"Who was the lycanthrope?"

"Jesse Rodriguez." Jade hadn't intended to out him, but at the moment, she couldn't block Kit's magick.

Kit's eyes went wide and she paled slightly. "The guy who mauled the E.V.S. last year?" She asked.

"Yeah. He's a friend."

"Is he okay?"

Jade was surprised by Kit's concern. "Physically, but I think he blames himself... Randy's probably his best friend, and they killed his girlfriend and friend in front of him. They were mortals."

Kit shook her head. "That's horrifying."

"Serena spelled the room they used. The only way to save Jesse was to... to..." Jade looked away.

"Oh, shit, Jade... You killed her?"

"Technically, she killed herself." Jade still wouldn't look at her.

"You used your telepathy..." Kit paused. "That's badass, Jade. You saved everyone's lives."

"Not everyone."

"You saved the ones that you were meant to." Kit surprised her by pulling her into a hug. "You did the right thing."

It was ironic, because hearing it from people who were there and even from Beth and Corey hadn't helped much at all, but Kit said exactly what she thought. Kit had perspective. Kit was blunt and harsh on a good day. Jade suddenly believed her words to be true.

Relief washed over Jade. Her grief was still there, as was her anger, but the guilt had lessened significantly. "Are you gonna be okay?" Kit asked.

"I think so," Jade replied. "Thank you."

"Deanna wants to do something for Serena. I think we should, too."


"Because she's haunting you, Jade. I washed her negativity away for now, but she'll be back."

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