does he have to know? pt.2

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A/N im soo sorry >~< i thought i could fit it all in one part, but i thought it would be easier to just make two..or apologizes

Despite Langa's fears, things went back to normal between them quickly. By the end of the week it was like they had never fought at all.

Who was he to disturb their newly found balance? He took another bite of his burger. Besides, things were perfect the way they were. He didn't need anything more.

"You have a little bit there." Reki says and points at his face.

Langa wiped his lips.

"No, here." Reki leaned in a brushed his thumb against the edge of his lower lip. "Got it."

"Thanks." Langa tried very hard not to blush.

Reki smiled. "No problem."

It was Friday night and they'd already gone to S but Langa wasn't exhausted yet.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something when we get back?" He asked.

"Sure. I'm too hyped up on adrenaline to sleep anyways."

So they left. When they got to Reki's house they climbed in through his window.

"Pick whatever you want, I'm down to watch anything right now," Reki said, handing him his laptop.

Langa started flipping through the movies on Netflix while Reki got changed into his pyjamas. "Do you want to sleepover?"

Figuring that by the time they finished the movie he'd probably be tired he agreed.

"Awesome!" Reki rummaged through his dresser until he found another pair of pyjamas. "Here." He handed them to Langa. "I've never had a real sleepover before. I'll go get snacks."


While Reki went to get food, Langa changed into the pajamas. They smelled good. Really good. A perfect combination of Reki and laundry detergent. Only upon hearing the sound of Reki's approaching footsteps did he bring the shirt down from his nose.

"I made popcorn! I also found some chocolate bars, so we can eat those too if you want." Reki sat next to him on the bed putting the popcorn bowl in his lap.

"It smells great." Langa tried a piece.

Reki leaned over his shoulder. "Have you picked a movie?"

"Not yet." Langa flipped through a couple more. "What about this one?"

" Howl's Moving Castle ? My sisters love that one. It's pretty good, it's by Studio Ghibli."

"Oh, I've heard of them but, I don't think I've seen any of their movies."

Reki stared at him. "Langa, sometimes I think you must have lived under a rock back in Canada."

"Hey!" Langa elbowed him.

Reki snickered. "Put it on, I'll turn off the lights"

Reki's bed wasn't big by any means and with two teenage boys trying to sit it was more obvious. Not that Langa was going to say anything about it as Reki pressed against his side.

Even with Reki's running commentary, it took Langa about half an hour to realize the movie was a romance. He was watching a romance movie with Reki. In Reki's bed. In Reki's pajamas.

Langa wondered what more could dating possibly entail? Moreover, why would he mess with a good thing if it was already working? Reki certainly didn't have to know they were pretty much dating already.

Real-Life Fairytale; a renga oneshot bookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon