Dont get caught

113 1 4

request by  @ my melodydy (ill get the link to work in a minute)


"Do you think we should put on sunscreen?" Langa asks as Reki ties his shoes. His gentle eyes watch Reki make bunny ears with the laces and tie them together. He finds it silly that his boyfriend continues to use that technique and wonders if he'll ever stop (secretly hoping he'll continue with the method).

"Um," Reki thinks for a moment, "I don't think we really have to. Do you burn easily?"


"Then... Do you want to?"

Langa bites the inside of his cheek. "That depends how long you think we'll be there."

"I don't wanna stay for, like, ten minutes then leave!" Reki laughs, standing up to go find the sunscreen. "Let me go find it. Wait, do you want the spray-on one of the liquid one."

"The liquid one works better, I think."

About a minute later, Reki comes back downstairs with a big, orange bottle of sunscreen. "Do you wanna put it on now or when we get there? I don't really wanna carry a bottle around the beach, but it's up to you."

"Let's do it now, then," Langa decides, taking his shirt off and taking the bottle of sunscreen.

"Let me know if you need me to do your back," Reki says, leaning against the wall. "I'm actually glad you're putting it on now. If you didn't, we'd have to wait, like, ten minutes to actually get in the water."

Langa smiles at Reki. "Yeah, you're right. I didn't even think of that."

The sunscreen was a little cold on his skin, but it felt fine. It was nothing intolerable.

"I'm actually allergic to sunscreen," Reki mentions after a couple minutes. "All but that kind. Or brand. Once, my mom bought me this acne lotion, except it had this weird sunscreen in it, but I didn't find that out until after. For the next three days my face was red and itchy."

"Of all things, how come you're allergic to sunscreen?" Langa laughs. "Can you get my back?"

"Of course," Reki smiles. Langa's skin is smooth, and paler than his own, which the sunscreen is definitely not helping. "You look like a ghost. You're so pale!" A few seconds later, Reki scoops a glop of the sunscreen off of Langa's back with his index finger and dabs it on the tip of Langa's nose.

After Reki finishes applying the sunscreen to Langa's back, they leave, but not before saying goodbye to Reki's mom.

The air feels cool as it rushes against them and their boards. After ten or so minutes of skating, Reki asks to stop at a gas station to buy some candy.

"How much money do you have?" Langa asks, watching Reki dig through the pockets of his hoodie, then his pants. (Sometimes, in weather like this, Langa wonders how Reki doesn't overheat.)

"164 yen," Reki replies, showing Langa the small amount of money. "Maybe it'll buy me one of the more unpopular candies."

Reki's favorite candies are strawberry flavored, and he also likes sour candy. Unlucky for him, both of those are more than what he has (which shouldn't shock Reki in the slightest, since 164 yen is practically useless).

"I have some money," Langa says as he reaches into his pockets. "How much do you need?"

"44 yen."

"Okay, here," Langa says as he hands Reki the yen.

Reki smiles, thanking Langa and grabbing his strawberry candy as he walks to the register.


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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