Party pt.2

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She didn't hold his drink for him. When Langa came back, she had lazily placed his drink on the counter, her hands occupied on the square of Reki's back. They were kissing. Reki's eyes were open, clearly not the one who started it, but he didn't oppose it. Langa just stood from the end of the hall, watching as the two's lips met again, their noses bumping. Reki's lips weren't moving, but maybe he was just so enthralled he forgot how to do anything. A pretty girl was kissing him, after all.

Everything was too much: the lights, the smells, the feelings, all too much. Langa feels his legs shake, his lips quivering. He inhales sharply, his shaky hands going for his back pocket, pressure building in his chest.

One text, that's all. Fuck their word, it didn't matter. Why would he interrupt his friend so selfishly?

But he's kissing her in my shirt.

My shirt.

Wearing a bracelet that matches the one I'm wearing.

He can hear his heart racing, and not the good racing. This time, it wasn't a lovely redhead raising his blood pressure. It was pain. The flashing lights were mocking him, and the lingering scent of sex drifting through the door he was standing next to didn't help either. He wanted to scream at everything to stop. But what good would that do? He gave his phone a death grip. He wouldn't cry here.

One text.

"I'm going home."

No. That was too cold. He should be happy for him.

"I'm going home. Have fun."


"I'm going home, have fun :)"


He pressed send.

Langa <3:

I'm going home, have fun :)

Reki slammed the door closed as soon as he got home, too angry to care if he got in trouble for it. He left him there alone, thinking a stupid text would fix shit. Reki snatched his headband off his head, squeezing the soft fabric until his freckled knuckles were white. Langa left him with that stupid American girl who didn't have boundaries. What happened to sticking together? The word they established?

"Whoa, someone's angry," Koyomi teased from her seat on the floor with the twins. They were watching some random show on the tv in the living room.

"Shut up Koyomi, I don't wanna hear it right now," Reki grit through his teeth, throwing his headband on the floor. Koyomi just watched the headband skid across the wood, her eyebrows furrowing.

Like Langa's had at the party.

"DAMMIT! Stop thinking of him," Reki said out loud to himself.

"Where's Langa?" Koyomi asked.

"Yeah, where's Panga?" one twin—Nanaka—asked innocently. The other twin—Chihiro—nodded in agreement. Both girls loved Langa, even though they couldn't remember nor pronounce his name.

"Augh, don't talk about him right now."

"You're still wearing his shirt. And lipstick stains, y'know," Koyomi said, pointing to the collar of Langa's shirt. There was a smudge of lipstick, making Reki cringe away from himself.

"That bitch," Reki whispered, putting his icy hands on his face. Now he's going to owe Langa another shirt all because of her. Her and her damn red lipstick.

"HEY! Watch your language, if mom comes back at hears you cussing—"

"Where's mom anyway?" Reki grumbles, letting himself slide on the door to the floor, the cold wood beneath him comforting.

"She's on a date with dad."

"Good. At least someone can have a good love life," Reki said dramatically, sliding down further until his whole back was on the floor, his shirt riding up.

"Pfft, what, trouble in paradise?"

"It's not paradise, Koyomi! We're not even dating."

"Oh? So it'd be paradise if you were dating?"

"Yes- WAIT NO. He's an ass," Reki corrected himself, even though the correction felt wrong on his tongue. He rolled over on his stomach, letting the chilly feeling of the floor on his half exposed stomach comfort him. Langa's hands were always cold, so it reminded Reki of the way Langa's hand would sometimes clutch his arm.

"What'd he do?"

"He left me at the party with just a text to 'have fun'."

Koyomi blinked. "You sure you didn't make him feel he was unwanted and leave? You know he's bad with feelings," Koyomi said, using her foot to keep Chihiro from toppling over. "Looks like it's someone's bed time, eh?"

"No, of course not. Ugh, what's it with you and Miya thinking you're love-gurus?"

"Miya?" Koyomi picked Chihiro up. "Help me put them to bed. Grab Nanaka."

"He's one of my skating friends," Reki replied, standing up to help his sister.


The two said nothing else. Reki just scooped up Nanaka like he was told and followed his younger sister to the twin's room down the hall. Koyomi pushed open the door with her back, Reki getting the light with his elbow.

"Ack, what a mess. Thanks for turning on the lights," Koyomi said, swerving out of the way of a Lego tower that was built on the floor.

"Ooh..nearly avoided death there," Reki said, going over to the twin-sized bed on the other side of the room. He, too, had to avoid many toys strewn across the room. Koyomi stifled a laugh, placing Chihiro in her bed, pulling up the little railing guard, Reki mimicking her actions with Nanaka. Reki didn't know how to feel. He was absolutely bursting with anger and he didn't want to explode on Koyomi. She didn't deserve it. He wanted to explode on Langa, but did he really deserve it either?

"Night you two," Koyomi said, making her way towards the door. Reki once again was right at her heels.


Turning the lights off, the two walked out of the room, Reki closing the door behind them. He sighed.

"Koyomi...I just don't know what to do," he continued his rant. He knew Langa didn't do something that bad. He probably just felt uncomfortable and left. Even so, that's wrong too. He should have told him.

"Tell him you're upset."

"Argue with him?"

"God no, just tell him that what he did offended you. Jeez, no need to take it further," Koyomi said, walking out towards the kitchen, Reki tailing behind.

"Yeah, okay, but what do I say?"

"I dunno. He's not my best friend. If he was, I'd think about him more than myself in this situation."

Reki stopped walking. "What do you mean?" he asked, watching his sister continue on her way to the kitchen. She looked back at him once, turning her attention back in front of her.

"Langa isn't the type to leave you high and dry, Reki."

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