I'll show up pt.2

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Langa shook his head. How could Reki not see how amazing he is? 

How could Reki be jealous of Langa? "Jealous? Reki, stop. I wouldn't even have gotten on a skateboard if it weren't for you. You're the reason my journey started. It was you who taught me everything I know about skating. You, Reki. Hell, you made my board!

 Can't you see how incredible you are? I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. Then you'd see this amazing boy who knows all there is to know about skating. Jealous of me? No way, Reki."

"I didn't say I was jealous of you ."

 Reki spoke timidly. There was a faint blush spreading across his cheeks, nose, and his ears. The nervous redhead chewed his lower lip, grabbing his arm and rubbing it nervously, hoping Langa would get the hint.

Langa did not get the hint. If anything it made him more confused. Just staring back at Reki, he blinked a couple times as confusion washed over his face. 

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I'm jealous of Adam. I'm jealous because, because, because you want to skate with him. You want to skate with someone better than me. Someone who's on your level. Even if you don't see it, before too long you'll get bored with me. You won't want me." Reki stepped even closer to Langa, their bodies merely inches away from one another. He was begging that Langa would catch onto what he was confessing.

Langa was absolutely not catching on. The more Reki spoke, the more confused he got. "Jealous of Adam?

 Reki, that's absolutely ridiculous. You think I want to be best friends with Adam? First of all, that guy is like ten years older than us. It would be kind of weird hanging out with him all the time and having sleepovers. Plus, that guy is a creep, no matter how good of a skater he is. You, Reki Kyan, are my best friend. Why- why would you think I'd want to be-"

Reki was rolling his eyes in a playful manner with how oblivious Langa could be. Of course he should straight up say what he was feeling, but with how nervous he was, his tongue would never let him speak. So, Reki decided it would be easier to show the oblivious boy.

Cutting off Langa, Reki brought his hands up and cupped his face. Though his skin was usually cold, his face felt warm in Reki's hand. Possibly from the summer or heat, but probably from the emotions that had been running through both of them. After a quick glance at his lips, Reki leaned in and pressed his lips to Langa's.

Langa's eyes widened as he felt the warm embrace against his lips. This was the last thing he expected to come out of tonight. Not that he was complaining. There had been times when admiring Reki he wondered what it would feel like to be kissed by him. But they were friends, so that would never happen. Until now, at least.

Reki started pulling away, probably because Langa was so stunned he was just standing there, not moving an inch. But Langa didn't want it to end, oh no. He didn't want Reki getting the wipeout idea, thinking that Langa didn't like this. He loved it. He chased Reki's lips as he started pulling away, finally beginning to kiss him back.

 And when he grabbed onto Reki's hips, he swore he heard him let out the tiniest, cutest giggle. It made Langa's lips curve into the smallest smile as he kissed his best friend again, and again, and again. Langa didn't even know how much he wanted this moment to happen until it did.

The moonlight was shining like a spotlight on the two as they kissed, holding one another as close as possible. Reluctantly, they both started to pull away from the kiss. As soon as the weight of Reki's lips were off his, Langa missed them. He just wanted to kiss him again and again.

Too nervous to say anything, Reki's face was flushed pink and he dropped his hands from Langa's cheeks. Was it okay that he did that? Langa kissed him back after all. Reki was chewing the inside of his lip after the kiss, the pressure of being the first to speak next was almost too much. What do you say to your best friend after kissing them for the first time?

"I-" Langa breathed out, sliding his hands off of Reki 's waist and grabbing onto his hands, interlocking their fingers together as if they were meant to be. "I think I get it now." he let out a small chuckle, everything finally clicking in his mind.

"You're so oblivious, Langa!" Reki pouted, bringing a hand up and playfully hitting Langa's chest. "I'm jealous of Adam because I can't keep up with you and skating anymore," he frowned slightly, giving the hand that he was still holding a squeeze, "You're going to get bored of me because I can't keep up. And if you don't want to skate with me, why would you ever, like, you know... want to do that with me."

"I want to skate with you forever. I want to skate with you infinitely, Reki. Yeah, Adam gives me a thrill sometimes. But with you? Skating is, it's fun. I don't feel anything skating with Adam like when I skate with you. Skating with you is my favorite thing. You're my favorite person, Reki Kyan." Langa brought his free hand up, gently placing it on one of Reki's cheeks, gazing at him with a smile. "I'd also like to kiss you infinitely, if, if that would be okay."

The blush raced back to Reki's face at those words, and he couldn't hold back a little giggle. Leaning his head into Langa's hand, he closed his eyes for a moment and let out a content sigh. "I think that would be okay with me." His eyes slowly opened back up, and he gazed at Langa's pretty face that was lit up by the moonlight.

"Hey, lovebirds, we want cake!" a voice yelled up from the house. When they turned to see who it was, Miya was standing at the back door. Actually, everyone was at the back door. Had they been watching them this entire time?!

Now it was Langa's turn for his face to turn bright pink. He just had one of the most deep and emotional conversations of his life with Reki, and all of their friends just watched them in silence? Oh, they were never going to hear the end of it.

"Miya, I'm gonna kill you!" Reki yelled and started running back to the house. Miya's eyes widened and he darted away from the door. Everyone else quickly scattered as well, hoping they wouldn't get yelled at either.

"Reki, wait!" Langa chased after Reki and grabbed his hand, causing him to stop, turn, and look back at Langa. "I have something else to say."

Reki looked a little confused, and maybe a little scared. What more could Langa possibly want to say? They made up, didn't they? "Yeah?"

"Happy Birthday." Langa smiled, interlocking his fingers once again with Reki's before giving his hand a tight squeeze.

Reki blushed and shook his head, a wide smile plastered in his face. "Langa Hasegawa, you're an idiot." quickly placing a kiss to Langa's cheek, they walked out of the garden and into the yellow light of the house. And for the first time in three weeks, Langa finally understood. 

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