Party pt.4

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For the first time since second grade, Reki was excited to go to school. He knew it gave him the perfect chance to fix everything. The redhead never got the text he was waiting for, but he still had hope that his apology could fix the thing he screwed up.

"I'm going! Bye guys, thanks for breakfast," Reki called halfway out of the front door, throwing his skateboard down on the pavement. In return, he heard a collective 'bye' from everyone in the household.

"Good luck with Langa," Koyomi said, walking towards the door. Reki nodded, giving his sister a small but hopeful smile before skating off. Now that he was really on his way, he felt his heart jump in his chest. The sound of the wheels on the pavement was comforting, yet unnerving. Every second Reki got closer to their spot, the less time he had to prepare himself.

He'd get to see those beautiful blue eyes again. The ones he made cry. Reki quickly swerved around the corner, stealing himself to not fall off the board after he saw the blue-haired figure waiting for him. He didn't have to. When he turned the corner, their spot was empty. Reki inhaled sharply. Oh god, he really fucked up, didn't he? Reki let his skateboard roll to a stop, fishing out his phone.


Hey where are you?


Reki sighed, hopping off his board to rest against the lamp post while he awaits a response. He keeps his eyes glued to the floor, ignoring all the intrusive thoughts.

He always responds right away. What now?

Fuck up.

Did you really expect him to care about you after that scene you started at the skatepark? Thank god it was empty, huh.

The redhead tore his eyes away from the ground, glancing at his phone.

Langa <3:

I'm not doing too well right now so I'll be staying home. You can go to school without me :)

He inhaled. This is his fault, isn't it? God, he messed up. That damned smiley face again, tying his stomach into knots. He shoved his phone into his pocket aggressively, conditioning his thoughts. I'm not going to think of what I could've done. Maybe Langa's really sick? Reki groaned internally. Either way, he was still so worried he could drop dead.

"Goddammit Langa...why'd you have to pull this shit now?" he whined to himself, pulling at his hair. He forced himself on his board, feeling unstable. He hadn't felt unstable on his board since he was little. Reki exhaled, pushing himself further. Gotta go to school either way.

Langa put his phone down, feeling bad for lying. He was sick in bed. Sick in bed with guilt. He knew he shouldn't have left Reki there, and it was making his stomach hurt just thinking about it. And he used Lucie so he could escape without confessing his feelings. 'You had Lucie,' I said, but who's Lucie to Reki? No one. It was a stupid, stupid response. Langa cursed himself, just thinking about how horrible his excuses were. Langa glanced at his phone, smiling at the thought of Reki still checking on him after the argument. He's too good for you. Langa knew it was his fault for being so easy to put off kilter. Reki had all the reason to be mad, so he didn't understand why he was so surprised when the redhead lashed out. Why did he expect life to go on without a hitch after his little abandonment episode? Langa grimaced, knowing that he had definitely seen his little stunt in a drama tv show. This was why he had no friends in Canada, either. He freaks out every time you give another person a speck of attention, like a puppy that whines every time you stop petting him for one second. It's annoying, and he knows. Langa let his shoulders slump, tucking into himself. His fingers itched to grab his phone and send a quick 'am I annoying?' to the redhead, but he restrained himself. Sending that message would annoy Reki as well, possibly earning him a pity response. Pity responses were worse than the truth. He huffed, pulling up his knees to rest his head on.

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