Mountains pt.5

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A/N last and final part!

A small funeral, no bells and whistles, just family. Reki had never seen a Western funeral and wasn't sure if he was doing everything respectfully– but then Langa took his hand, and he knew that was all he needed to worry about.

He'd help get Langa through this experience, and hopefully he'll gain peace from it.

After the ceremony and goodbyes, they road back to Langa's grandparents' house with Zach and Liz.

The three of them discussed something in English, probably the funeral, Reki thought.

The conversation died off and Langa took Reki's hand again, grabbing his attention.

"Thank you for everything, Reki. Coming here and helping me through this. I really owe you. How can I repay you?"

Reki shook his head, "You don't owe me anything. I'd do this a million more times if you needed me to. Honestly... I'd do anything if it helped you."

Langa smiled softly. He quickly leaned over and kissed Reki on the cheek.

Zach in the passenger seat barked something jokingly, probably about PDA, and Langa rolled his eyes.

"Are you ready to start our long journey back to Okinawa tomorrow?" Langa asked.

"Ugh. That plane ride... it's so long. But at least I get to hold your hand this time. I really wanted to coming here..."

Langa chuckled. "Me too. And it was hard to sleep with how nervous I felt barely brushing against you like that. Now you can just lean against me and I won't be nervous about it."

Reki grinned, "I guess it won't be too bad of a trip, then."

They arrived back at the house as the sun was setting. They had a taxi set to take them to the airport at four in the morning, so they needed to get to sleep soon.

They said goodbyes to Liz and Zach, both of them getting bear hugs and kisses on the forehead. Reki didn't mind it so much this time.

Judy said she'd send them off in the morning, she was always up early anyway.

Bags were packed and everything checked twice to make sure they had it.

Finally, they got into bed together to catch a few hours of rest before their arduous flight.

A moment later, Reki thought Langa had already fallen asleep. His eyes were closed and his breathing soft and steady. He studied his face, even with his tired eyes he was breathtaking.

"Goodnight. I love you." Reki whispered.

Langa smiled then and pulled Reki towards him, kissing him with a newfound energy. Reki held Langa tight and kissed him back.

He still couldn't believe this was real, that Langa was his. He could hold his hand and kiss him and all the other things.

In a day and a half, they'd be back home. Things would be a little different, but still, honestly, the same. Ever since Langa entered Reki's life, even before they were together, all his days were better.

He needed to return that favor. Make sure all of Langa's days were better, too.

He had to laugh at past-Reki. This was way more than a little crush. Reki was completely in love, head over heels. He'd do anything for Langa, and he always thought about him. Always.

"Shouldn't we try to sleep?" Reki asked breathlessly during a pause. But Langa grinned as he ran his hand through Reki's hair.

"We can just sleep on the plane."


"Mhm, but we can't do this on the plane–"

He pulled himself right up against Reki and started kissing his neck and collarbone.

"How was your trip?" Reki's sister asked as she helped take his bags to his room. Reki dropped everything in the middle of the floor and collapsed on his bed.

"It was the best, longest, and only trip I've ever taken."

"Did you finally confess to Langa?"

"Wait, what? You knew I liked Langa?"

"It's been written on your face for months. The whole family knows it. Dad and I have a bet on if you'd finally say something."

Reki groaned in embarrassment. But he figured everyone would find out now anyway.

He sighed and smiled. "What did you bet on?"

"I'm a nice sister that thought you would. Was I right?"


"Really? So, are you dating?"


"Woo-hoo! I won! 3,000 yen is mine! I'm going to go call him right now." She left the room, then ducked back around the corner. "Oh, and congrats."

"Thanks, Koyomi."

Reki shut his eyes and rested while he could. It wouldn't be long until Dad found out, then it wouldn't be long until Mom did, too. They'd probably have a million questions and make fun of him a lot.

But that was fine. His family could embarrass him all they wanted, they couldn't do anything to lower him from cloud nine, now.

He ran the journey through his head again. Langa taking him to see the wildflowers, their first kiss in the bathroom, their kiss at the shipyard. It was all so perfect, despite being so messy.

There was an excited scream from the kitchen, followed by his mom calling "Reki!!"

Reki sighed and sat himself up. It was time to go tell his family all about Canada.

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