does he have to know? pt.3

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A/N wahh theres so many parts >~<

Reki's early to school for once. Not because he wants to be but because he'd forgotten that Langa had a dentist appointment this morning and wouldn't be there to meet him on their ride to school. Which always turned into a ride around the neighbourhood doing tricks until the last minute.

Either way, he's already bored. He doesn't know how he went that week without him. When Takahiro approaches him it's a welcome distraction.

"Yo Reki, how's it going?"

"Pretty good. You?"

"Tired, stayed up late last night playing the new Bloodbane game."

"Oh cool." Reki doesn't know anything about video games unless they're related to skateboarding but, he doesn't feel like doodling until class starts so he tries to keep the conversation going. "How was your weekend?"

"Just catching up on homework." He gestures vaguely. "Hey, you and Langa are pretty close, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"So you know who he's going to ask out, right?"

Reki can't hold it back, he laughs. The idea of Langa taking an interest in someone long enough to ask them out seems frankly ridiculous. He probably can't name a girl in this class.

"What are you talking about?" he eventually manages to say when his laughter dies down.

Takahiro looks a bit sheepish now. "Sorry, I figured he would have told you."

"It's probably just another rumour," Reki explains.

"Well, he asked me about it a couple weeks ago."

Now Reki's the one who's confused. "He what."

"Yeah, he asked me how to confess in Japan because he liked someone and didn't know if there was some kind of cultural difference."

"He told you that there was someone he liked?" Reki asks seriously.

"Uh-" Takahiro clearly looks like he wants to backtrack. "I don't think he wanted me to tell you now that I'm thinking about it."

A flare of panic sparks in his chest but, he doesn't take the time to examine it. "Who does he like?" Reki leans forward into Takahiro's space.

Takahiro puts his hands up. "That's what I came to ask you. I should probably grab my seat..." There's at least ten minutes before class but Reki's already lost focus on Takahiro.

Why wouldn't Langa tell him if there was someone he liked? Is he embarrassed? The idea of Langa having a crush on someone in their class doesn't sit well with him and he doesn't know why. He attributes it to what Langa said, not wanting to cut down on their time together.

He decides to confront him at lunch.


He waits until they're both sitting in their usual spot, backs to the fence on the rooftop.

He bounces his skateboard up and down with his foot on the edge, feeling like he's going to burst.

Foregoing easing it into the conversation he asks, "Are you planning to confess to someone?"

Langa coughs violently on his sandwich. "What? Why?"

"Takahiro came up to me today and asked me who you had a crush on." Reki stops fiddling with the board to look at him. "I don't know, I guess I'm just surprised you didn't ask me about it."

Langa looks panicked for a second before settling on, "I'm not going to confess."

"But there is someone you like?" Reki pushes the topic. He's not sure why he does but, he feels like he has to know.

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