Mountains pt.1

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A/N double upload today! This is from a draft i had a while ago. so i still have to make another part to it, but enjoyy!

It was just a little crush. A little, tiny crush. On his male best friend. It happens, Reki assured himself, it's no big deal. It's not like I immediately do anything for him, or think about him all the time...

He glanced over to Langa sitting next to him in class, he was staring straight ahead but Reki could tell his mind was somewhere else. He wondered what Langa was daydreaming about... and why he looked kinda sad.

Reki went to Langa's desk during their break and slapped his back.

"What's wrong, bro?" He asked, rubbing Langa's back in small circles.

"Oh..." Langa looked down, "My grandpa is really sick. I'm going to go see him in Canada before he passes. But my mom can't come, she can't get any time off work. So I have to go alone. It's just a lot to take in."

"Oh, man, I'm so sorry... Do you want me to go?"

Langa looked up at Reki, eyes wide and innocent. Reki could drown in them, their deep blue waves pulling him under...

"Go with me to Canada?" He asked.

"Yeah, if you don't want to go alone, I'll go with you." Reki clarified with a smile.

"You really wouldn't mind coming with me?" Langa asked unbelievingly.

"Of course not! You're my best friend."

Reki knew he was more than that, but left it there for now. He wasn't sure what words to use other than "friend," just yet.

And that's how he ended up packing up that night to leave first thing in the morning for a strange new land.

Canada, the West. Would everyone talk like a cowboy? Did Reki need to be wary of people with guns? Were people going to stare at him for being Ryukyuan instead of white?

He laid awake with these questions, unable to sleep. He wanted to call Langa to ask him, but knew Langa was probably trying to sleep like Reki should be.

He'd ask on the flight, he supposed, it was going to be at least fifteen hours.

But he didn't mind, even though it was his first ever time on a plane. It just meant he would get to sit squeezed up next to Langa for fifteen hours, and how could that be bad?

As soon as they got to their seats, Reki quickly relayed his barrage of questions.

Langa sighed, sinking into his seat. "No, people don't talk like cowboys; gun control is much better in Canada than America; and yes, you will probably get stared at sometimes, but you get used to it. At least you don't get stared at both in Canada and Japan, like I do."

"Well, people stare at you because you're D.D.G."


"Drop dead gorgeous. Keep up, man."

Langa ever so slightly blushed, making Reki's heart race.

"No... it's a mixed-race thing, I assure you."

"I guess I wouldn't know. I've never been off the Ryukyu islands." Reki shrugged.

"Wait, never? Not even to the mainland?"

Reki shook his head. "This is my first time on a plane."

"Wow, and you still agreed to come with me?"

"Attention, flyers. We are ready for take off for flight number 118 from Naha Airport to Vancouver International Airport with one stop at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. The seatbelt sign is on, so please remain in your seats with your seatbelts fastened. Keep your trays in an upright and locked fashion and turn off any electronics.

Real-Life Fairytale; a renga oneshot bookحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن