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Isnt it all interesting? This whole story? Well I bet my silly questions dont bother you. But personally I find it interesting on what the princes think. Technoblade goes from breaking the girls wrist filled with hatred, to thinking y/n didnt do it. That seems strange doesnt it? But Technoblade still thinks y/n did it. Of course he did, all of that anger is still bubbling inside of him. So by his and Wilburs plan Technos hoping that he'll hear y/n blurt out that she did it. It doesnt work obviously. Because we know y/n was set up, but the royals dont. They could never know. But back at the jail y/n, Zeve, and Tae are forced back into their cells. Now yard time was supposed last for another hour, but clouds rolled over the sky and soft rain soon turned into a pour. But even with going back to thier cells these three werent saved from the weather. They werent ever saved from the conditions of the prison. Y/n longed to be back in her house, or even the castle dungens. It was better than this. The guards didnt care. No one cared for the people in prison.

The townspeople have now heard the news that Prince Tommy recovered. They were ecstatic. But some people were still upset. Not about the prince. About y/n. How a simple girl like that poisoned him. While Nazzulia Kingdom knew all the news, not all of its people did. Such like a person like Niki. She was supposed to leave the day y/n got thrown into jail. But the horse she had ridden to Jack's fell ill. So now shes going to be in Phomid Kingdom for longer. Much longer. But this would only bother the girl is she knew what was happening at home. But she didnt so she was happy that she could spend more time with Jack even if her horse was sick. Of course she also didnt know that her freind had thrown away the letter after reading it. Because she could never know. Never. And Wilbur, well he had been expecting to hear from Niki any day now. But at this point he told himself his friend didnt care or hadnt gotten the letter. Which both were wrong. She had gotten the letter and if she read it she wouldve cared. But no, he didnt know that.

It all seemed complicated. It all truely was complicated. How y/n was set up. How the plan had gone so perfectly. How the two princes were on edge if y/n did do it. But now I think you need to learn some more information. Now y/n doesnt even know this so if'd you like you can skip what Im about to say you may. If your still here then thats fine too. But the people who had set up y/n werent Nazzulia people, or outcasts. They were Phomid people. Yes. It must be shocking right. But hold your horses let me explain more. I previously stated that y/n's father had left once she was born. Yes he did. But where he went? Well Phomid Kingdom of course. The man left on a 'journey' right beofre y/n's mother found out she was expecting. Then when he came home he had great news. He had become a knight at Phomid Kingdom, which were also Nazzulia Kingdoms number one rival. But when he saw y/n's mother holding that baby, saying it was his. The man couldnt stay, so the night he came home he left again, leaving his family. Now why? Well he didnt want a family. He wanted to be a knight at Phomid with his wife as a maid. You might also ask why he went to Phomid to become a knight and not Nazzulia? Well ever since the last battle that was between the two kingdoms, Phomid had lost tons of knights and warriors. So the king there promised to give y/n's father more money than Nazzulia could ever. It was that simple. So after leaving y/n and her mother, he devolped a hatred toward y/n. For making him leave her mother. He loved y/n's mother so much. So when she found out she had died he also blamed that on y/n. He blamed everything bad that had ever happened on this girl. And when he found out she would be going to the Spring Ball, the head knigh knew it would be the perfect time to set her up. Oh yes he had become the head knight in his time. So thats what he did, he set y/n up at the ball. And it worked like a charm. Even if he did want Prince Tommy dead, it was fine because y/n was in jail. But there is one mistake he made. He made a potion that would only poison Tommy. He used a special plant leaves, the Spitfire Pepper leaves. These were only grown in Phomid Kingdom, and avbrewer could only use them in Phomid Kingdom. So thats where he messed up. But no one knows that, just yet. Yet. Thats it, thats the end of what someone could call a spolier. But its not a spolier, its just useful information that you have now. But of course no one but you knows that. Not the royals, not y/n, no one but you. Your special. You know all of this. Keep it in your heart because at one point in this story will come back to all of this information. All. Of. It. Now back to the prison where y/n had just been shoved into her cell. (long ass paragraph hehe)

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