~ leaving ~

627 22 2

And that was that. Y/n was soon rushing around her room piling stuff into a bag. Techno knew she shouldnt come, this was dangerous. The trip was at least five days to get to the port. Both getting there and being there was dangerous. Hopefully everything goes as planned. But the prince also understood y/n. Wilbur would be busy in meeting and she didnt know anyone else in the castle. Maybe this was her escape. Getting away from the castla and the people in it. Thats what Technoblade thought. But he was wrong.

Y/n knew why she wanted to go. She had nothing else to live for. Her life was pointless. Spending her days in a castle when she never wanted to be there in the first part. She wanted to be there for one night at her own freewill. Not being locked up in its walls without a choice. To others it may be a dream but y/n was a free spirit. She didnt like people controlling her saying where she can and cannot go. To her the castle was a trap. A trap that was also a fantasy.

Out on the shore were the Phomid Kingdom boats. Floating on the horizon. Stalking the port on the shore. The crew didnt know when they were going to attack. It would still yet be a while. For now they were being there mainly as decoy. Waiting for the troops to get into Nazzulia by land. A double attack. It was smart and brave move. Who knows it would even work. But for now everything was still peaceful. For now.


Y/n slung the bag over her shoulder. Clothes were packed tight into it. After all she could only bring a small bag. Before she reached the door a knock echoed through her room. Setting down the bag she walked over to open the door. There was a maid she'd never seen before. Her lavendar hair was placed in two buns a top her head. Small silver freckles lined her face. Her deep blue eyes glimmered like space. In her hands was a neatly folded pair of clothes and some boots.

"These are for your travels," the girl squeaked handing the clothes over to y/n.

Y/n nodded and the maid scurried off. Putting the boots on the floor the girl went into the bathroom to change. After she was all dressed she came out and slipped the boots on. It was magnificent. Walking over to the mirror y/n took in her new outfit. The underdress was simple black pants and a hooded black sleeve top. Brown leather armor sat on top her shoulders. The brown vambraces went from her wrists to elbows. On her right hand was a brown glove while the left one was black. A corset matching the other armor was buckled around her body. A strap from the armor stretched across her collarbone to her back like the strap of a satchel. Two belts crossed at her waist. One with a sword sheath and the other with a poket for daggers or throwing stars. Leather strips connected with rings hung down from the corset wrapping around her legs. And finally the brown leather boots matched everything together. Y/n loved it.

She pulled her hood up and slung the bag over her back. Y/n exited her room and walked to the training grounds. Thats where Techno told her to meet. As she approached she heard murmurs of troops already there. All eyes fell on the girl as she stopped and glanced around hoping to find Techno. But she didnt. And instead y/n was met with laughs and insults.

"This girl? Joining us? She'll be dead the first day. Perhaps the first hour,"  a troop snickered coming up to y/n.

"I think not," y/n said tensing up as the man approached her.

"Well I think that-"

"I think you'll respect her as shes with me."

The mans eyes went wide as he mumbled a sorry while stepping back in his place. Y/n turned around to be met with Technos eyes. She gave a slight smile to him and nodded a thanks.

"Lets get going," the prince said to y/n and the troops.

Y/n stayed close to Techno as they walked to the stables. Only people of higher ranks got to ride on horses. Y/n didnt seem it was fit for her to ride on a horse but the prince insisted.

"You have you pick," Tehnoblade said waving at all the horses.

Y/n didnt hesitate to chose a horse. She went right to the one that caught her eye when they first walked into the stables. A black friesian with a long mane. He looked strong and well fed. As she walked up to the horses pen y/n saw the name on the door.

"Major," y/n whispered to herself as she greeted the horse.

Y/n stood back as the groom walked up to tack up Major. It didnt take long for the horse to be fully tacked up and out of his pen for y/n. The girl carefully put her foot in the stirrup and thrust herself onto the saddle. She had only been on a horse a couple times. The groom went through the basics with y/n. How to trot, canter, gallop, walk, stop, rear. It was simple honestly. The royal horses were well trained. Y/n took the reins and trotted over to Technoblade who was already mounted on his own horse. A strong bay horse.

"Rein get y/n a sword and a dagger for her sheath," Techno said to a knight leading her horse.

The girl smiled and nodded before handing off the lead to someone else to fetch y/n's weapons.

"I didnt know there were females?" y/n questioned glancing at the prince.

"Rein is the only female. Shes a great fighter and highly respected since she is a commander. Hence the horse," he said.

Y/n just nodded and glanced over as the girl came over. Her hair was platinum blonde and braided. Her bright blue eyes popped from her silver armor. She had two sword sheaths. Her chestplate had the royal symbol inprinted on it. She was fierce with multiple scars lining her neck and face.

"Thank you," y/n said as she sheathed the sword Rein got for her.

"Of course, and welcome," Rein smiled a warm smile.

Y/n watched as she walked over to her horse, a tall grey dapple. Spotting Techno she walked over to him as he gathered up the troops.

"Alright lets head out," the prince siad aloud to everyone and took the front.

Y/n didnt know where she should go untill Rein found her. The knight motioned her to follw so she did. Soon they were at the front but still behind Techno. And soon enough they were outside the castle and going past town, on the outskirts. Little kids came out to cheer everyone on while the adults stayed back and watched. Y/n looked at the people reconizing a few. Then just as she loooked away a too famliar face passed. Y/n looked again just to get a glance of the girl turning around. Niki.

Chapter 22 done. I've come so far. Thank you so much for the support and kind comments. To the port they go. If you can't tell my writing has been much better. Thats all the notes hope you're well!

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