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Hi guys I know its been a really long time without me updating or giving you guys any sort of idea to where Ive been so thats what this chapter is for. Its been I think over two months since I last updated but Ill start agian soon but first I wanna put out some things mainly to why Ive been gone.

I personally have been struggling a lot I guess it really hit me hard a week or two after Technos death. Ive started up some bad habits again that I trying really hard to get rid of them. I know when I joined and started writing I was at one of my lowest spots in my life so hopefully starting back up will help me. I love reading all of your comments and I hope you guys can forgive me for being gone for so long.

Now back to the story. The first three paragraphs in the beging of each chapter might start to get shorter becuase those are really hard to come up with sometimes. Chaptes in general might start being shorter too but I do plan on finishing this story.

Thats all from me I hope you guys are doing great, love you so much and thank you for being here!

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