~ the vial ~

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Now I know you want me continue the story but its important that we go over more stuff. That vial is what changed y/n's life forever. But how you ask? Well you'll find out soon enough. But nows not that time. That time will come later. Now is the time to go over even more stuff. Ah yes I know its your favorite part of this entire story. The narrator going over even more stuff with you. But some day you'll see that I did this so you wouldnt be lost, so you wouldnt be confussed. Thank me later. Now where was I? Oh yes you need to know about the guards and some other important people.

Fisrt off is the guards, the four main ones. The main guard we already know. His name is Dream. Hes the fiercest guard there is. He wanted to be knight and go into battle but the king insists that he stay a guard. Dream was Wilbur and Technos friend and so with some battle training from Technoblade thats how he became a guard. Tommy though was never very fond of him but nobody knows why, maybe it because of that mask he always wears. Yes the mask. As described earlier it is just a simple white color with two dots and a curved line for a smily face. Dream almost never took it off. But occasionally you could catch a glimps of his dirty blond hair or maybe even his green eyes with freckles. Next guard is Sapnap. He grew up right next to Dream They were bestfriends from the start. Unlike Dream he didnt get training from Prince Techno. He got it from some other guards. Sapnap is mainly known for causing some trouble as a youngster, with fire. He would always try lighting things on fire and thats where he got his firery personality. Unlike Dream he didnt wear a mask so you could always see his eyes burning like fire and his black hair. The next two main guards are pretty new. George and Karl came at the same time and recived training from Sapnap and Dream. Both being brunettes the two "fought" who wore the brown hair better, which ammused the whole castle. These four soon grew close and became inseparable. And also became the best guards Nazzulia Kingdom has ever seen.

Lastly are the other important people. Ranboo first. Y/n did share a small conversation finding out he was an enderman hybrid. Ranboo is the main assistant to all the royals having him be able to teleport to where ever he wanted to. He was very taller. Taller than Wilbur, who is the tallest prince. His powers though sometimes do stump him a bit. Next is Tubbo. Tommys bestfriend. He was once a normal poor towns folk like y/n till the prince and him met. They soon became bestfreinds. With their freindship being almost inseparable it was hard on the two when Tommy had to stay in the castle for safety reasons. After a lot of begging to the king, Philza agreed to let Tubbo move in to the castle with Tommy. Now the two go around playing pranks on whoever they see. And a big event like this would be perfect. Well almost perfect. So back to the lonely balcony y/n was standing at, enjoying her night and eating a pastery. Everything was almost perfect, except for the screams and the person running past.


First y/n heard one scream and she assumed someone fell, but when the whole Ball Room erupted into gasps and screams she knew something was wrong. And just before she could go check what it was a person sprinted past dropping what seemed to be a small vial filled with something. Y/n quickly picked it up.

"You dropped something!" she yelled but it was no use they were long gone.

After a moment y/n tucked the vial into one of the vines on her dress, and just in time. Four guards rushed up the balcony stairs right to y/n.

"Excuse me ma'ma have you seen anyone running this way?" the man with black hair asked.

Y/n just nodded and pointed right to where the mysterious person ran. The guards nodded a thanks to her and sprinted that way. Once they were gone y/n rushed back down the stairs to see a horrible sight. A path was cleared for a stretcher, and on the stretcher was the young blonde prince, who looked to be poisoned. Y/n rushed to a person.

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