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The girl quickly fell asleep on her bed, even if she was shivereing. But currently the royals were talking about what to do with y/n. And the only thing they could think of was to wait till Tommy was better. But while they werent around Prince Wilbur sent a letter to Niki, where ever she was. It was a simple small letter so it didnt take long to send to the girl. It was the letter from Nazzulia Kingdom Niki was never expecting. She was far away and didnt ever think they'd send her a letter in the middle of knowhere. But she didnt bother to open it. She would've if she knew it was asking about y/n. But she simply thought it was a mistake, or it wasnt important. But while she left her friends house to get some fresh air her freind didnt think twice about reading what was on the inside. And it didnt scare him, more the less shock him.

Oh yes her friend. She had many but this one, he's her closest friend, beside y/n. Jack Manifold was his name, or just Jack. These two had been friends for as long as they could remeber. But then Niki moved away to Nazzulia leaving Jack. He was heart broken but soon fot over it having Niki always send letters to him. He was tall, taller than Niki but still shorter than six foot. He had a sweathsirt and jeans that he almost always wore. But the most interesting thing about him was his eyes. One being red and the other blue. Sometimes it even scared people off but Jack didnt care. Oh he also was sort of bald. So when he read this letter he knew he needed to tell Niki about it, I mean this was her bestfriend. But when the girl came back all happy to see Jack he forgot about it and decided to throw it away. So it would be away from the both of them. So Niki would leave her visit so early. But little did he know that the letter he threw away was like life or death to y/n.

Y/n wasnt just interested in the library when Prince Wilbur had taken her on a tour. She was also interested in the guards chambers. There were tons of guards in the castle so how could they all fit into one room? Well its your lucky day. Once you enter the guard chambers its a hall with five doors. Each one for a differnt rank of guard. The general gets his own room all to himself. The next room is guards in command. Which would have George, Dream, Karl, and Sapnap. The chambers are for the eldest guards, aka the ones who are done with their training and who will soon move up to guards in command. The fourth door is for middle guards, these guards are halfway through with their training. And the last door is for the young guards. They just started training. And for the knights of Nazzulia Kingdom. Off the battle training field there is a building like a hotel where each knight will room with one or two others and thats where they stay. The castle has everything you could ever need. Including guest bedrooms in the sleeping chambers. And thats where out focus is. The sleeping chambers, but its just one. Techno's.


For some reason Technoblade couldnt sleep that night. He paced around his room for no reason. He wasnt stressed, he didnt have anything on his mind but yet it felt like something was there. Or maybe it was just the voices. The prince tried his best to block them out but on nights like these they were the only thing he could hear. Without anything to do the prince walked around the dark castle. And as strange enough hes feet brought him to the dungens where y/n sat awake. Well a pissed y/n say awake. The dungen door opened causing the girl to jump.

"Oh if it isnt my favorite visitor" y/n scowled as the princes pink hair came into view.

"Your only visitor" the man scoffed.

"Isnt it late? Well Id have no idea cause im fucking underground" y/n spat leaning on the wall.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" Techno chuckled.

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked over to the iron bars grabbing the princes collar.

"Look, Prince, enough with the funny shit and leave me the fuck alone. No more visits" the girl sneered into the princes ear beofre walking back to sit on the bed.

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