~ camp ~

587 31 1

They were off. Out of the castle, out of the town, on they're way to the port. A line of troops marching through a forest. It would be a few days trip to get to the port. When the sun would start to set they'd have to set up camp for the night. Techno couldnt lose any time. He needed all that he could get if he wanted to get to the port on time. He kept his eye out looking for any signs of danger. Tarveling was dangerous but espically in a dark oak forest. The trees were tall and thick. Little sunshine could through the branches. And that meant mobs from the night could still be alive, and dangerous.

Y/n trailed behind Techno and now Rein, but she was still infornt of the troops. Her mind was racing. Had she actually seen Niki or was it just her imgination. If it was Niki, did she see y/n? Did Niki know she was alive? Her mind kept racing and racing but she didnt have the answer to any of her questions. And she wouldnt have those answers for a long time.

Rein was right behind the prince. Her horse walking on. Rein was nice but fierce. She was one of the most loyal knights in the kingdom. She knew Technoblade and had fought many battles with him, but they were just small ones. She was from the far village of Venzor. Venzor was located high in the mountains. It was one of the bigger villages but wasnt ideal to live in. You couldnt farm there. Hunting was how the villagers strived up there. When Rein lived there she helped defend the village from mobs and pillagers. And thats when the royals noticed her and took her into training. And soon enough she rose to the top.


The sun was now starting to set. Everyone was looking for a cleared place to set up camp which was quite hard since they were in a dark oak forest. Instucted by the prince, y/n rode ahead trying to find a good spot. Soon she came to a small flower patch right next to a river. It surely had to be big enough. The girl jupmed off her horse and tied him up next tot he river. She unloaded some supplies waiting for the others to arrive. And soon enough the chatter of troops was heard. Y/n watched as everyone came into the clearing and set down there stuff.

"Nice y/n," Rein nodded leading her horse over.

The girl just smiled at Rein. Glancing around she spotted Techno helping some troops with a big tent. Not many troops came along so one big and a small tent fit everyone. Rein, y/n, and the prince though all had their own tents. Soon all five tents were set up and a fire was being started. Y/n took a seat against a tree and watched the troops talk and laugh with each other, Rein in the mix. She felt out of place here. Y/n wasnt a knight, she barely knew Technoblade. Speaking of the prince she didnt know where he was. Instead of worring about him she kept watching the others. She didnt bother to go and try to talk to them, after all she was considered a prisoner still.

After a bit y/n got up and walked over to Major who was peacefully eating some dandelions. She pet her horse and looked up at the sky. The sun was basically fully down and the moon was coming up. The stars glintered off the river and y/n smiled. It was peaceful away from the fire and people. The girl picked a small flower and threw it into water. It floated down stream and petals circling creating small swirls in the water. But the silence was quickly broken by a loud groan upstream in the trees. Glancing toward the fire it seemed no one else heard it. Pulling out the dagger y/n stalked into the trees. A few more steps in the sounds got louder and she trudged on.


An arrow flew past y/ns face. The girl gasped and looked in the trees seeing nothing.


Another one flew but y/n was ready. She ducked and looked back at the source. Bones crackled as a skelton appeared. It pulled up its bow but not before y/n threw the dagger at its ribs. The skelton crumbled to the ground in a heap. Y/n rushed over picking the dagger out of the bone stack. She was panting now. Mobs were never in town. There was a groan again as a zombie appeared, armed with a sword. Putting her dagger away y/n unsheathed her sword. Before she got the chance a force from behind pushed her. The girl stumbled forward and turned around to see two more zombies. She gasped through her pants as more mobs appeared. Y/n wimpered as she dodged arrows and blows from zombies. Her head raced, she was going to die alone in this forest.

She ducked out of the way of an arrow but the armed zombie got to her. Swinging its sword widly it knocked the sword out of y/n hand. Another wild swing caught y/ns leg. She fell back onto the ground her leg bleeding. She pushed herself away from another blow but she backed into a tree. Another swing. This one got her cheek. Y/n wimpered and slammed her eyes shut. If she died she didnt want to see it.

She waited for the final blow. But it never came. Slighly opening her eyes, y/n saw as the mobs one by one fell. She opened her eyes fully now and there was Techno, barely panting. His gaze was hard on the girl as he walked over.

"What the hell were you thinking?" the prince sternly asked.

"I dont know!" y/n manged to breath out.

Technos face softened slightly as he bent down to the girl looking at her cheek.

"Breath, you're hyperventilating," his voice was soft now.

She didn't even notice but y/n just nodded and tried to control her breaths. After a moment she was breathing right again. Technoblade helped her up and put an arm around her to help her walk. She limped on her leg all the way back to camp. The prince took her to his tent and got medica supplies.

"This is going to sting," Techno said as he started to put some healing slave on her cuts.

Y/n winced, he was right it stung.

"Seriously though, what were you thinking?" the prince asked while bandaging y/n's leg.

"I just heard something and its not like we have mobs in the village so I didnt know what I was doing. Im really sorry," she said glancing at her leg.

The white bandages stood out from her brown and black clothes. She ran a finger over it her cheek wincing. Techno looked at her admiringly. Y/n looked up to be met with his eyes. The prince quickly looked away, his face slightly flushed. The girl smiled softly before breaking the awkward silence.

"I truly am sorry, I must cause you all this trouble. It was a terrible idea for me to come along," y/n frowned.

Technoblade just looked up at her, a small frown on his face. He truly didn't know why she was apologizing.

"Y/n it's ok, you really don't have anything to apologize for."

The girl only slightly smiled at that, she didn't know if it was entirely true. Once Techno finished putting everything away y/n staggered to get up wincing at the shot of pain going up her leg.

"Here I'll help you," the prince said standing up and putting an arm around her.

Y/n limped to her tent. Technoblade helped her in and then went back to his own tent. The girl laid down on her sleeping pack and quickly fell asleep, drained from her days travels and her night terrors.

I love this chapter. Almost died but its ok, its not like that was the last or first time ;) Anyway thats all the notes for this chapter hope you're doing well!

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