~ traveling ~

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Y/n didnt dare do anything stupid after that. The encounter lived rent free in her head. She was horrified of what couldve, wouldve happened in Technoblade never found her. The encounter also lived rent free in her dreams, more like nightmares. The girl didnt know how many times she woke up that night, but it was enough to not get a good nights sleep. Her leg throbbing when she jolted awake also didnt help. It still hurt like a bitch. She tried to ignore it and fall asleep but soon enough she would jerk herself awake, panting and sweating.

Across the camp grounds someone else laid awake. The prince. He didnt know why, but he couldnt fall asleep for the life of him. Maybe it was just how cold the night was. Or how he kept thinking what wouldve happened to y/n if her hadnt heard the bones of a skelton clattering to the ground. And when he heard the sound something felt off. So he scanned around for the only stupid person that would go into the forest at night. And of course she wasnt aywhere in sight. Technoblade was mad at the moment. But when he saw the tears in the girls eyes, or her trying to manage out words through her breathing, or how she was crouched infornt of the tree hopelessly, he couldnt be mad. This girl had lost everything in her life, but Techno wouldnt let her loose her actual life. Not now. 

Across the country, Wilbur was pacing in his room, the only light from the candle glimmering on his desk. The prince was stressed. A war is not what they needed, not on top of the whole poison situation.The kingdom didnt need this, Wilbur didnt need this. It was just another weight added to his shoulders. Everyone was stressed. It wasnt going good. 


Everyone woke early, just before the sun could rise. They needed to get back on the road. Rein woke y/n up and raised an eyebrow at the bandages. Y/n just shrugged it off and grudgely getting up. She packed up her supplies and put it all back in the packs on Major. Her tent would be taken care of by the others. Y/n sat on the rivers bank splashing some water on her face to wake her up. But after getting no sleep, she was sure that today was not going to be fun. Getting up from the bank y/n saw Technoblade trudge out of his tent. His eyes showed no signs of getting sleep. Maybe he was up all night like y/n.

Y/n mounted her horse and went tot he front of the group beside Rein, Technoblade in the front. The laughter from behind echoed through the trees. Glancing up, small streams of the early morning sunlight shone through the leaves.

"So what'd you do?" Rein asked her eyes locked on your leg.

"Oh uhm," y/n's head dipped, "Just got into a tustle with a zombie."

"Nothin' to be embaressed about, we've all gotten humbled by an undead," Rein laughed as y/n brought her head up and smiled a bit.

The rest of their travels by each other was silent. Rein was now leading her horse and joking with the troops. That left y/n all alone. She didnt mind not being talked to. Sometimes the silence was nice. Listening in on the conversations behind her a couple people said that they werent far now. And y/n could tell. The dark oak forest started to thin out and soon enough they were in a completely different scenery. Flowering hills stretched as far as the eye could see. Birds and bees humming around. The air also felt different, more damp and smelled a little more like salt. They were close. Y/n trotted up to the front beside Techno.

She smiled over at him which he just returned with a nod.

"So how far?"

"Should get there by moon high if we're lucky sun fall," the prince hummed glancing at y/ns cheek.

The girl just nodded and stayed quiet. She could tell the prince wasnt in much of a talking mood. But to her shock he did talk.

"Sleep well?" his voice broke the silence between the two.

"Uhm you could say that, you? I mean you looked almost dead when I saw you this morning. Not trying to offend you but, oh my that was rude Im sor-"

"Its fine," Techno said cutting off the girls words.

Y/n glanced over frowning."No that wasnt proper etiquette," she mumbled.

The prince just laughed at that, "Since when did you care about etiquette? Didnt care when you were cursing me out."

"That was different, and it still wasnt right," the girl mumbled again.

"You keep apologizing for everything. You realize you dont really have anything to apologize for?" Techno hummed looking at the girl.

Y/n scoffed at that. She did have stuff to apologize for, practically everything. "Emphasize the really."

Technoblade just rolled his eyes at that. He knew the girl was short tempered and stubborn so why was she suddenly acting all melancholy? He needed answers but didn't want to push her. After all she's never opened up to the prince. Even when he was the only company down in the cellars of the castle. Maybe that could change. Maybe he could try.

"Your not the stubborn person I know you to be," the prince said trying to start up a conversation about her.

Again y/n scoffed. "I hope you know prince, you don't know shit about me," she sneered. "You don't even know about my family."


"Then why don't you tell me? I'm all ears," Techno said glancing over at y/n who tensed up as she felt the princess eyes on her.

"I hate my past. Gods sake I think you'd throw me back in that prison if I told you," her face dropped staring at her hands which were now gripped tightly around the horses reins.

"Can't be that bad not like you murdered someone," a short pause, "I hope," he added.

"You wanna know, fine I'll tell ya, and before I start I should let you know I was this close to killing someone," y/n sighed as Techno just glanced at her. "I never knew my dad, he left, so you can imagine how growing up was. And if my childhood wasn't bad enough living in a shack my mom got deathly sick when I was young. She passed away a little less than a year later, leaving me all alone. I refused to go into foster care so I was just forgotten about. When I got older and didn't have any money left I resorted to doing little tasks for the rich people. Eventually that didn't work either so I went to stealing. Anything I found I would snatch up. I became quite good at it. But of course every good thief gets caught. I ran and hid for the longest time. Until Niki found me and took me in. Then I eventually got money and was living sorta happy. Then I stumbled into that stupid ass ball room which is where my life went back downhill. Not even downhill, down a fucking cliff. And here we are. Hope you enjoyed my sob story."

Y/n didn't bother to look up at the prince. It's not like he cared anyway. Right? He wouldn't care she was just another person who got roped into this. But the girl couldn't not look up at him. The prince was just staring at the road ahead. A small frown placed on his face. He glanced over and y/n looked away. But did she see sorrow in his eyes? Why should he be sad for her? She though the prince didn't like her at all? Had that prince that broke her wrist and knew it changed his mind about the girl?

Two chapters one day? Guys personally I think I'm doing great. At this point I'm highly regretting not writing in second person ugh it makes me mad. Second person just sounds so much better. Anyways stay hydrated!

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