~ epilogue ~

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The battle ended shortly after, the voices taking over Technos mind. Phomid surrendered, their head knight and most of the troops that were there got killed.

At first Philza and Kristin was mad with how Technoblade completely obliterated the army. But once the prince explained, everyone fell silent.

Wilbur stayed in his room, writing a song for the girl. She was a kind soul and didn't deserve to die that way.

Tommy talked to Ranboo and Tubbo about it. Even if the three of them barley knew the girl, she would be missed.

The triplets wouldn't even talk. Aviro missed how y/n was always there. Calypso missed her only friend beside her siblings. And Imbra longed to feel y/n's fingers gently comb through their hair.

Three letters got sent out about the girls death.

First was Niki. She balled her eyes out over her best friends death. And she wasn't even there to say goodbye.

Zeve and Tae cried but they also sent a letter to the royals talking about how good y/n was. They hoped she had a somewhat good life.

The guards were upset too. They knew how important she was to a certain royal.

But no one ever knew why she was killed with an assassins weapon. It would forever stay a mystery.

Technoblade wouldn't come out of his room. He spent his days mourning her. Her favorite book was now set on his night desk along with her pendant.

Her pendant that never glowed ever again.

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