~ getting ready ~

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After seeing the dress y/n couldnt keep a smile off her face. Now your probably wondering. Why was she so excited for this one ball? Nazzulia Kingdom had a Summer Ball, Fall Ball, and even a Winter Ball. So why did the streets buzz most when the Spring Ball was near? Everyone knew the answer and you might already know it too. The Spring Ball granted everyone permission to come, well at least to try and get in. Thats why flyers were hung up by royal guards. So everyone knew that the Spring Ball was near. So everyone had time to look their best and just maybe the guards would let you in. Even visitors who didnt live in Nazzulia Kingdom came and tried getting in. It was an extraordinary sight seeing everyone, even the poor, dressed their best to get the chance to see the Ball Room and maybe meet one of the three princes.

Ah yes the three princes. I believe I should go over them with you. Prince Wilbur the oldest. After the king passes his crown on or he tragically dies Wilbur would be crowned king. He was a tall handsome brunette. Next was the second brother. He wasnt blood related to the king or his brothers yet that didnt stop him from calling them his family. Prince Technoblade or just Prince Techno was a fighter at heart. Before the king had found him, Techno had grown up in the Nether always fending for himself. A place only the richest of people, or merchants could go. Prince Techno was known for leading the knights in battle. Even if Nazzulia hadnt had a war in decades this tall, pink haired prince still had battle training. He was amazing with his skills and could beat anyone. Last but not least was Prince Tommy. He was the youngest and was still a teen. He was also tall, almost as tall as his brothers, but he had blonde hair just like their father. Since he didnt do much he found ways to entertain himself. With his towns friend Tubbo the two tended to play any sort of pranks on the guests at any event. Tubbo his best friend had also gotten permission to move into the castle with Tommy by the king. Lastly king Philza. He was the best king Nazzulia had seen ever. With Queen Kristin by his side these two rulers were the most repsected human beings in all the land. They ruled side by side and always made the best choices for Nazzulia and their people.

The Ball Room. I belive we should go over that too. It was the most fascinating place in all the kingdom. Its high white and gold walls were imprinted with magnificent designs that would catch anyones eyes. At the end of the Ball room stood thrones. On the top were the two biggest, made for the queen and king. On the level below were three smaller thrones, each on designed for a prince. The queens throne was made of gold but had the most beautiful purple and black crystals. The kings throne was too made of gold but had black and green crystals as its accent. Now the princes. Theres were all made of silver but too had differnet colored crystals. Wilbur's had yellow and blue, Technos had pink and red, and Tommy's had green and red crystals. The Ball Room was perfect in everyway. To the right and left were staircases leading up to the balcony's that over looked the royal garden or the Ball Room. Silver and gold chandeliers hung down with enchanted candles, their flames never going out. And just at this moment guards were setting up tables for food and drinks. Having the Spring Ball only be hours away. Now we turn our attention back to the little bakery in town. Where Niki was helping y/n get ready for this magnificent ball.


The pink haired girl zipped up the dress and walked to the front of y/n. She looked gorgeous.

"Wow y/n you look, like a princess" Niki giggle as y/n gave a little twirl.

"Niki I cant thank you enough" y/n said looking in the mirror.

Her friend was right. The silver complimented her hair. Her eyes and purple necklace made the crystal flowers pop. It looked like it was made for y/n.

"Now your makeup" Niki said taking y/n's hand and sitting down on the bed.

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