~ pendant ~

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For the last few chapters no beginning three paragraphs :)


Once the triplets had to leave, doing something for the royals, y/n found herself wandering the halls again. Admiring the paintings, stained-glass windows, and everything else that made this castle feel like a dream. But it wasn't. And in the back of her mind the words Calypso had said stuck to her. The enderman wasn't serious, right? But a part of y/n knew that she was. But if course she denied it, saying to herself it was just a joke that the triplets had come up with.

After spending the rest of the afternoon wandering around and occasionally going into the library y/n was slumped. And hungry. She hadn't realized how much of a lack of food she'd had. But there was one problem. She didn't know where the kitchen was. But she did know someone who knew that information.

She marched down to the sleeping chambers and was faced with the same seven doors. Glancing behind her y/n walked up to what she now called the sword room. Aka Technoblades room. She balled up her hand into a fist and raised it. Hesitantly she stopped and sighed. The knock of her fist on the door echoed through the hallway. A second passed as y/n stood there, quietly.

"What- oh y/n hi," the door opened to reveal the prince. Her cheeks heated up at the sight of him, Calypsos words then only thing being in her mind.

"Oh sorry to bother you but where's the kitchen?" she stumbled over the words with her face still heated.

"Uh I can go you food just stay in here," Techno said placing a hand on y/n's back, which just made her cheeks heat up even more, if that was possible. He slightly pushed her in his room as he headed down to the kitchen to get some food.

The door closed behind her and y/n was found alone in his room. Imbra and Calypso would go crazy if they knew where y/n was. Technoblades room was much like the girls but he accent colors being red instead of purple. Weapons were also mounted on the wall. Lots. And y/n found her self walking over to them, tracing a finger over each sharp blade. Sword and axes of all kinds.

Then it hit her. Last time she's saw he necklace Dream had it. But Technoblade had it before. Right? So maybe Dream asked to see it and then gave it back. That necklace y/n needed. For multiple reasons. It might be the only thing to get her out of here. Even if she wasn't considered a prisoner to others. Techno would be back soon. It was now or never.

"⌇⊑⍜⍙ ⊬⍜⎍⍀⌇⟒⌰⎎" the words slipped out of her mouth quietly, almost inaudible.

Y/n spinned, glancing at each part of the room. The faint purple glow came from a top one sword. Making sure Technoblade wasn't at the door y/n rushed over. And there she saw the pendant draped over the handle of the sword that sat mounted right in the middle of every weapon. Her hand reached up but it couldn't reach the pendant. It was too high.

"You know that's why I put it on that sword," y/n jumped, pulling her hand away and turned toward the princes who was now leaning against the door frame, a plate of food in one hand.

Her head fell as she walked over to him. "You gonna put me back in the dungeons?" y/n slightly laughed but looked up to see that Technoblade didn't find it funny.

"No it's not like you could reach," a small grin set over his face as y/n just rolled her eyes. "Here's your food."

Y/n thanked the prince and headed back into her own room. She set the silver tray down on the small table and looked at the food. There was a small caesar salad, a bowl of fruit, and some seasoned bread. She took a small bite of the bread which melted in her mouth. It was delicious. She kind of forgot how good the palace food was. Once y/n was finished with her food she set the plates back on the tray and set it outside her door. A maid would come and pick it up at one point.

Y/n flopped down on her bed. The only thing on her mind was her necklace. How could she get it back and be out of here before Phomid Kingdom attacked, if they did. There was no way she was going to leave without it. That pendant was her safety and the last thing left of her only family. She needed a plan, and quick.

In the room beside her Technoblade sat quietly, staring at the necklace. It's purple color sparkling as the sun dipped down below the horizon. Phomid would attack anytime now, and that necklace is what could keep y/n safe. But it's also the way she could leave. And leaving in the middle of war was never good. Technos mind went back and forth with the decision.

A knock at her door made y/n just roll her eyes as it creaked open. "Changed your mind about sending me to the dungeons?"

"Surprisingly no," a chuckle came from the door frame.

"Then what would you like Mr. Blade?" the girl mimicked the princes monotone voice as she stood up and went to lean against the kaleidoscope door

"You know with that attitude I think I'll just leave," Technoblade frowned as he turned on his heel.

"No wait!"

"If you say so," he turned back to the girl and walked over to her, "Princess."

The heat immediately rose to y/n's cheeks for the millionth time it felt like. She knew Techno saw she was red but instead y/n just rolled her eyes.

"Sooooo?" y/n asked staring up at the prince.

"Give me your hands and close your eyes," y/n hesitated but listened sticking both her hands out and scrunched her nose as she closed her eyes.

When her hands were once warm the object placed on her palms cooled them. It was small, and then it hit y/n. A small object that was cold. Her eyes shot open and there was the now glowing pendant, the glow coming from the familiar touch. She balled up her fist, securing the necklace. Without thinking y/n wrapped her arms around the Prince as small sniffles came from the girl. Technoblade at first tensed at the motion but soon relaxed into her touch and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel the stifled sobs from y/n on his shoulder, where her head rested.

She didn't know how long she was crying into the princes shoulder but it was long enough for the sun to be almost completely gone. And for some reason Techno didn't mind her staying there, in his arms, like she thought he would be. Y/n pulled back and wiped the salty crystals off her cheeks.

"Techno," her voice was soft, "Thank you."

The prince just hummed and took her still balled up fist. She opened her hand and there the pendant was still glowing. Taking it out of y/n's hands he buckled it around her neck, his hands lingering at her shoulders. The necklace draped over y/n's neck and she smiled down at it. More tears, this time silent, streamed down her face as the girl looked back up the prince. Technoblade reached over and caressed her cheek as he used his thumb to wipe away the tears.

Outside the moon was glowing as bright as ever. It's light shining on the balcony and into the room. And in the rooms shadows, the two silhouettes in the moon light were left connecting.

Ahhhhhh this chapter is literally chefs kiss. I love it so much and I'm hoping you loved it as much as I did. It was so formal and perfect and everything ahhhh. Anyways have a good night or day wherever you are!

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