𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘺 - 𝘓𝘶𝘤𝘢𝘴

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It's dark

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It's dark.

It's really dark and I don't know where I am. I'm cold and I miss having my dinosaur teddy to cuddle. Roro got me that, he makes me smile.

It's small in here, I have to say in a ball.

I was told to be quiet.

But I want mommy. I'm confused, I just want to go home.

Where am I?

Why did that person put me in here? I don't know who it is, they have something covering their face. I didn't even get to eat my pack lunch. Roro made it for me.

I wonder how long I have been here for?

There is no lights on, the only light is from under the door. I don't like the dark, it's where the monsters are.

Where is mommy? Is she coming to get me? I keep quiet in the hope that it's what that person wants, maybe then I can go home to mommy.

The door opens suddenly and I squint from the light.

"Show time you little nuisance. Make any noise and mommy gets hurt."

My eyes wide as I rapidly nod my head, I don't want mommy to get hurt.

Lucas protect her.

Then the door is shut again and locked. I pull my legs into my chest and rest my chin on top.

I'm scared but I have to be brave for mommy.

Roro will help mommy. He promised me.

"Lucas! Lucas, where are you?"

I sit up, thats mommy. I feel myself relax at the sound of her voice.

I'm right here mommy!

But I have to be quiet. She will find me though, won't she?

She sounds upset and scared. I don't like it when mommy is scared. I can hear doors banging and hold my breath as my door handle starts to shake. I don't want that person to come back, I don't like them.

Mommy sobs and lets go of the door. My mouth opens to call out to her but nothing escapes. I'm too scared and I don't want mommy to get hurt.

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