𝘍𝘪𝘷𝘦 - 𝘚𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘣𝘺

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"Don't panic

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"Don't panic."

I turn upon hearing papa's voice and see him holding his hands out. His expression is wary as he watches me carefully.

Ron left with Lucas to go and pay hide and seek while I waited to see the birthday girl. Her party was bright pink with steamers everywhere a princess bouncy castle  in one corner and a huge princess tea party on the floor.

I hadn't had the chance to catch the little princess as every time I did she only sent me a kiss and run off happily. Such a cutie but also a carbon copy of Ellie. Sloan definitely had his hands full, poor man.

My mind wonders back to Ron's face as it pales slightly. Looking behind him I question, "where's Lucas?"

"Okay we were paying hide and seek and it turns out your son can hide really well." He chuckles nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

My mind stops for a second as I think through the information he just shared with me. "So what are you saying?" I breath praying for my heart to slow down.

Don't panic, I am sure everything is fine.

"I can't find him."

Nope fuck that. Panic. Panic, panic, panic.

My breath leaves me and the whole in my heart widens further. I can't lose my baby. I can't lose my only baby.

I don't even think before I stand up and scream his name, over and over again. The music stops as everyone turns to look at me but for once I couldn't care less, because my baby is missing.

What if he is stuck or hurt? What if he has got him?

The thought panics me even more as papa explains to coach and the Murphy's what is happening.  My sight is blurred by tears so I aggressively wipe them away as I search the garden for him.

Ron goes to check the last place he saw him and I can't believe this is happening.

My biggest fear. My biggest nightmare is coming true.

I cry for my baby when everyone shakes there head, no one can find him. I sniffle wiping away at my tears again as I get my phone out.

My sadness turns to anger. Why does this keep happening? Why can't we just be left alone to be happy?

Just as I'm about to press the last 1 I hear his giggle. I pause frantically looking around for him, willing him just to appear and say he was hiding.

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