I lowered my hand from the door and just stormed off to class on my own.


I slammed my locker shut, and my sister looks at me amused. "Did she say no?" She asks me and I just glare at her while crossing my arms. "Can you help me to do something to someone?" I asked her and she looks at me shocked but then quickly amused.

"Oh you want revenge? Who are we hurting?" She asks me and I quickly correct her. "Not hurt just do something." I say to her and she laughs. "I'm not helping unless you say it's to hurt someone." She says and I roll my eyes desperate to bring something out on someone.

"Ugh fine, it's to get revenge." I say to her and she smirks at me. "What happened to being a good person?" She asks me and I shake my head. "That was until I got my heart shattered." I say to her and she looked like she felt bad for me for once.

That look quickly left her once she thought of a plan. It was actually quite fast, kind of scary...

( back to Melodys p.o.v )

"Hey Jake! I haven't seen you all day. How've you been?" I asked him smiling, going to grab his hand but he swatted it away. I looked at him confused but ignored it. "... I didnt see you this morning, is everything okay?" I asked him. "Everything is just fine, okay? Don't talk to me. Anymore. I didn't know you were just stringing me along." He says to me, he seemed very hurt. I was about to reply, when someone came behind me and picked me up and spun me around.

I gasp, but then relaxed as soon as I realized that it was just Max. "Max why are you here? Put me down!" I say to him slightly annoyed since I wanted to talk to Jake. He ruffles my hair and puts his arm around me. "Who's this guy?" He asks, and Jake looked very upset.

Before I could reply, Jake went forward to punch Max, but Max froze him with his freeze breath.

"Oh my GOSH MAX WHAT DID YOU JUST DO!" I say to him panicked. "Why would you do that, he's just a human. He poses no threat to you." I say to max as I shove him. He shrugs.

"Self defense, nobody is around it's okay. We can fix this, also if I didn't know any better you seem to care for him? Is this your boyfriend? Awww does little Mel have a boyfriend. How cu-" I punched his gut before he could finish. "He's not my boyfriend but he is someone I care very much about. And he was actually upset with me, I just want to know why. But you froze him now and we have to fix this mess. I am so! Telling phoebe about this when we get home." I say to him glaring.

"No! We can fix this, please just don't tell phoebe. Also, I might know the reason why he's upset... I saw him leaving the porch earlier, he seemed pretty upset. But it all makes sense now. He's just jealous. I mean who wouldn't be jealous of me. Has anyone looked at me." He says and I nod and point at my tongue and gag.

He narrows his eyes at me and mocks me and I just laugh at him and roll my eyes. "I wonder why he tried to come over though. He's never came over before." I say to him but it clicked in my head. "Wait a minute, he's wearing everything that's my favorite, and the fact he was really upset. He was going to ask me out!" I say happily.

I couldn't help but let a tear drop when I realized that. I looked over at his frozen body and touched his cheek. "My poor boy." I say to him, then I look over to Max.

"Fix this now! And then you're going to explain to him how we are just friends and he got the wrong message." I say to him and he nods his head in defeat.

"As you wish 'princess'" he said princess in a mocking way and I mocked him right back.

We are just so lucky that nobody has witnessed this. He unfreezes him and thank goodness that he couldn't hear us nor remember what happened.

"Jake?" I asked him very concerned, and he turns away from me. "Jake, are you jealous?" I asked him and he turns to face me. "Let me think, hmm the girl I like laughing and smiling with another guy behind closed doors. Heck yeah I'm pretty jealous." He admits.

"Jake, he's 20.." I say to him and he looks at us in disgust. "Dude you're 16! That's gross and illegal." He says as he gives us a face. Max and I both return the same face and I shake my head.

"Jake, no bro, Max is a family friend. He's like a brother to me. Plus him and his sister leave like tomorrow." I say to him and his face immediately changes.

"Oh, that makes more sense... Amy call it off, don't need it anymore." Jake says to his sister, I look at him confused and I hear Amy huff.

"You people are lame." She says then hangs up. "Max can you give us some alone time, please? I'll see you at home later." I ask to Max, and he nods his head and leaves shortly after.

"I feel like such a fool. I totally let jealousy get the best of me." Jake says while looking down ashamed of his actions. I shake my head and lift his head up to look at me. I intertwine one of our hands together. I smile and him, "you are no fool. It's cute when you get jealous. But you came to my house.. why?" I asked him and he looks me in the eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Well, the plan was to meet your parents then walk to you school then ask you out, but I guess we are already at step 4. So, even though it isn't how I planned this to go. Will you Melody Wittman, be my girlfriend?" He asked me, the question I've been waiting for since the day I first saw him.

I nodded my head. And brought him into a hug. He happily hugged back and we hugged for what seemed like years but in reality it was only 20-30 seconds.


"Hey everyone, Melody has a boyfriend now." Max says teasing me. I roll my eyes but blush furiously.

"Boyfriend??? Who is this fella and when do I meet him?" My dad asks me seriously yet silly. "Uh, I don't know yet. I didn't know people were aloud in the house yet." I say to them and they shake their heads.

"Oh honey, he's your boyfriend, we need to meet him before he can keep dating you. But we don't have to meet him so soon if you don't want us to. Right Harrison?" My mom asks my dad as she nudges him. And he grunts but nods his head yes.


It was so nice having you two stop by. It was nice to catch up, be safe on your road trip!

"Be safe guys." I say to phoebe and max. Max ruffles my hair, "you too, theirs villains in this town for sure, I could sense it. They could be dangerous, but I'm sure feisty Jake could keep you safe. I'm counting on it. Take good care of yourself Mel." Max says to me and I smile. "You too Maxie." He rolls his eyes and I wave goodbye to phoebe as well.

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