Now that we're men

Start from the beginning

SpongeBob screams the third time. Patrick looks at the frogfish from the rear-view mirror. When the frogfish is about to eat SpongeBob, he screams the fourth time and he bites the arm off of the fake lady and falls down as Patrick pulls the Patty Wagon into reverse to catch him

Patrick: [Oblivious] Did you get the ice cream?

frog fish roars. SpongeBob and Patrick stare in fear

SpongeBob: [Scared] Step on it, Patrick!

Patrick drives the Patty Wagon at top speed away from the pursuing frogfish, losing the wagon's flag in the process, as he and SpongeBob scream

with Dennis, He arrives at The Thug Tug, and notices soap on SpongeBob's footprint. He unmasks himself

Dennis: Hmm...

He blows the soap, forming a bubble. Images of SpongeBob and Patrick giggling appear in it. Suddenly, all of the thugs appear

Victor: Hey! [Dennis turns around] You may not know it, cowboy, but we got a rule around here about blowing bubbles. [Snaps his fingers and all of the thugs say the rule]

All Thugs: All bubble-blowing babies will be beaten senseless by--

Dennis, clearly having no time for this, punches Victor out of his shoes and socks, cane the latter screams and flies into the Thug Tug

All Thugs: ...every... able-bodied... patron... in the... bar...

Victor crashlands into the Thug Tug. The Tug tilts back and quickly sinks off over a cliff. Dennis drives away as the Thugs watch in fear.

Cut back to the seagulls who are in their rowboat right above the wastelands

Andy: time to get the old SpongeBob tracker

He gets out a long telescope and dunked half of it in the water and turned on a tracking device slash tv screen. They do this whenever they want to see SpongeBobs adventures, hence why their such SpongeBob fans

The screen turns on to reveal SpongeBob and Patrick still fleeing from the frogfish

Old Woman: Come on, kiddies, have some ice cream. [SpongeBob and Patrick scream] I'll let you pet Mr. Whiskers!

A sticky and veiny cat on the frog fish's tongue is shown

Mr. Whiskers: Meow....

SpongeBob: [He and Patrick scream at the cat] Jump for it, Patrick!

They jump out of the Patty Wagon, which the frog fish eats. It smiles but stops when a tongue grabs it. A gigantic eel eats the frog fish and slowly dives back in. SpongeBob and Patrick stare in disbelief, as they witness their car being taken away for good this time

SpongeBob: Well, we lost our car again.

Patrick: Never mind the car, where's the road?

Patrick: Never mind the car, where's the road?

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