Nick Fowler

589 12 1

Need it back

Warnings: A little bit of angst, crying, happy ending :)

No notes <3


The clouded heavy sounds of thoughts filled over your brain, the only thing popping in and out that you tried to ignore is "why?". Why did you feel like second choice? And why didn't you ever talk about it?

You knew the reason, embarrassment. That's the only thing you couldn't tell your husband of two years, all because of a feeling of embarrassment bubbling in the bottom of your stomach. "Go talk to him, he'll understand!" the reasonable part of you was saying. But a louder voice kept telling you to push it away.

So you did. But Nick knew something was wrong. The daily moments where your cheeks were stained with tears, eyes red and puffy. Had he done something without his knowledge? The moment he tried to comfort you, you pushed him away.

"Is this it? Is this the end of us?" his own daily thoughts consisted of that, and that only on his drive home from the café you usually go out to every morning. But not anymore, not since that day a week ago when he asked. Your slumped form, tear leaking eyes tell him something was off.

But you didn't let him help. You know that Nick would start to get suspicious of the daily crying sessions, all involuntary. But you couldn't help it, the thought of you coming up and telling him, made those voices appear, telling you to discard of it. And you did, every single time.

Until the day it got to much.

You were folding laundry watching your favourite show as a small smile spread across your slightly patchy lips. And that all got ruined by a deep rumbling voice from behind you.

"Prinţesă, do you care to tell me why you have been pushing me away for these past- two weeks almost?-" his heart shattered when he said the time stamp you've been isolating yourself.

You shook your head, heavy thoughts starting to swarm your head once again, a sense of needing to tell him coming on heavier than those voices, but you pushed it down. Just as you'd done before.

Nick walked over and sat beside you, pushing the laundry to the side. His soft hands grabbed your chin, making you look into the face of the man you fell into love with, fresh hot streams of wetness escaping your eyes.

"N-Nick- I don't wanna talk about it." you tried, he only sighed in response and pulled your body into his firm chest, the strong scent of his aftershave filling your nostrils. The scent of comfort, of home.

You needed this. The crying. The holding, knowing he was there for you.

Soft sobs left from your lips, eyes scrunching shut to remove all the water from your eyes, causing a blur to your vision.

"I just-" you started. "I don't know why, or when, but I had this feeling in my gut that you- that you just might be slowly drifting away from me, and I tried to push it all down. I did! I tried to distance myself from you in case you really were drifting- I was trying to soften the blow on myself."

Speaking through one thick, heavy breath he took in all of your words, his mouth morphing down into a frown. Picking up your face from his chest he peppered kisses across your tear-stained cheeks, hearing your hiccups as you started to calm from his actions.

"You listen to me alright? I'm never going to leave you, I'm never going to push myself away from you. Because I married you for the thrill of loving you, for the thrill of having you in my life everyday. And that'll never change." Nick spoke just barely over a whisper. But his promise meant everything to you. He watched as that smile he missed ever-so dearly come onto your lips.

Leaning in, he kissed it softly, relishing in the feeling of you kissing him back for the first time in what felt like forever.

He knew you needed that feeling, the feeling of reassurance. He knew you needed it when you started dating too, and he was there for every moment you needed it. Just as he always will be.



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