Rainer was aware that the guards guarding Colin and Axel would not be cooperative. However, he knew that the last thing they would think of would be trying to attack the wolf. Rainer was also aware that as soon as the boy was released, the guards would sound the alarm and a chase would begin in the wake of the fleeing wolf and fox. The man had an idea, however, of where he should go to take Colin. The only safest place in his opinion was the home of Jarl Thea, who had always supported Rainer and agreed with his demands on probably every issue.

"Thea is not stupid. She knows Colin must live because he is too valuable to the rebellion. Under her care the boy will be safe. He will have to endure several days in the cold and without provisions, but I will take care of him in the wilderness. I will save him, I will not let him be harmed." - Thought the man as he walked with a loud step through the corridor towards the prison.

Wolf squeezed the axe tightly in his hands and looked through the darkness. He only intended to free Colin, as it was his life that stood on the brink. For Rainer, the bull Axel, could die. The man didn't care about his life, though he didn't plan on killing him either. If the death of the bull Axel was to be compensation for Colin escaping and he would be safe, Rainer accepted the price. He was not happy with it, but at this point he saw no other solution.

"There's also the option that my own people will perform a blood eagle ritual on me as punishment for my betrayal. Well... let them try." - Thought the still angry man.

It was true that Rainer had no plan as to how he should behave when he returned to the safe house. He also didn't know how his teammates would react seeing him after he freed the teenager. He was going to think about these issues later, even though he knew that whatever he did after that, the effects on him would still be harsh and unpleasant. The only thing that mattered now was the safety of the fox. The life of the fox, at the cost of his own safety.

Rainer expected an immediate confrontation with the pair of guards standing guard at the entrance of the prison cave. In the darkness, the wolf could accurately see the outlines of two men sitting carelessly on the stones. Rainer muttered under his breath and gripped his axe tighter, taking a few more steps towards the warriors. The warriors, however, still did not react to the wolf's presence and leaned against the cave walls like statues without moving. When Rainer was close enough to look at their faces, he realized that they were asleep. With stone faces they sat motionless and apparently dreaming of pleasant things.

"For once my men's disobedience of orders might be of some use." - Thought the man further with a stern face.

Then quietly, trying not to make any sounds he began to sneak past the men lying there. When he slipped into the prison cave, he immediately began to look around for Colin. However, it was very dark and the wolf was unable to find the young man in the large and cold room.

- Colin. - Whispered Rainer the boy's name. - Don't be afraid, it's me, Rainer. I have come to free you, I will take you to safety. - He said quietly, but his words were not answered.

Concerned, he began to search the prison cave touching all surfaces to come across the boy's soft fur. After a few moments, when his eyes had become accustomed to the prevailing darkness, his hands touched the blanket. The man was literally taken aback when he realized that neither Colin nor Axel were in the prison cave, and the bonds that bound their hands lay slashed on the stones.

- For Odin, what is going on? - Said the panicked man loudly.

At first Rainer thought of the worst. Both Colin and Axel must have been taken by someone and only the gods know if they are not just dying somewhere with their throats slit. The wolf, knowing that his plan had begun to fall apart at the same rapid pace in which it was conceived, immediately trotted towards the guards and shouted:

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