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"Absolutely not

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"Absolutely not." She looked at me as if she was about to slap me across the face when those words came out of my mouth. The dinner at her parent's place was three weeks ago and we started planning the baby party today.

She came over to my place in the morning to eat breakfast with Liam and me before we started. Liam was occupied by us playing with him throughout the day or when he watched TV.

I got him to bed an hour ago which means that it's half past nine in the evening and I am tired. This woman is exhausting. She's stubborn and fucking full of herself and her fucking ideas.

She brought her arms in front of her chest as she leaned back into the barstool she was sitting on. We got all our things stretched out on my kitchen counter we were sitting in front of us and were about to kill each other.

"Why not?" She asks me back. "Because I don't like the idea. I want another one. This doesn't suit them," I explained to her. My sister knew exactly what she was asking for when she asked me to plan the party with my 'girlfriend'.

I wanted to twist her neck so many times I was afraid I would eventually try it. "Neither does your idea suit them." That's the problem. Jacob and Leah are totally different types of people which makes this even harder.

"Then let's do the normal black balloon popping." I suggested what made her eyes widen anf her mouth form a shocked O. "Are you really that desperate for this planning to be over? Balloon? Hello? Could you possibly come up with something more cliché?"

I released a loud sigh and let my head fall back as I looked up to the ceiling. "How are you so difficult?" I ask her, sounding desperate. "How are you so not invested in this?" She asks me back.

"Because I hate planning parties." I admitted even though it is more than obvious. "Then let me do the planning and you will get all the stuff." She knew that me not giving her an answer to this was an immediate no. "We need a third opinion on this," she says. "No we don't. We can do this,"

This were our siblings. Leah told me that they usually wanted to ask Gianna and I can understand that especially now. Eliana is a chaotic person. That word doesn't even describe that woman.

Eliana huffs as she lets her body fall on the kitchen counter. "Why won't we just stick with my idea? My idea is funny. It suits them," she says what causes me to scoff. "Eliana. Your brother is literally the most serious person I have ever met. How does your idea suit him?" I ask her.

"It's suits Leah because she likes things like those. Jacob loves Leah so he only wants her to be happy. Leah's happy- Jacob's happy. It's that easy." I would never admit it but she is right with this.

And because it's way too late for an argument and I will not let her drive home out of frustration with two glasses of wine in her system I give in. "Fine. We'll go with your idea."

Eliana didn't react for a while. Probably thought I was joking. So I said, "Go look for the things we will need." That made her snap into action.

The woman squealed. Yes. Squealed so loud I thought she might have woken up my kid, gets up from the stool and makes one or two jumps of joy before catching me off guard by grabbing my face and kissing my cheek.

Fuck. I have been in relationships, in affairs with women some men only dreamed of at night. I don't catch feelings. I never do. But holy fuck. This one little kiss not even on my lips makes my chest tighten to a point that makes it almost impossible to breathe.

She didn't realize what that did to me or she ignored it because she just smiled at me and then walked over to my fridge to get some fruits out. I normally hate it when people come in and just feel like this is their home by serving themselves but I don't mind at all when she does it.

I think that I like her boldness. That woman doesn't give a shit about what other people think of her and this is something I don't see often. She's admirable. She has the personality that says that she knows she is beautiful and rich and has a good character so why be worried about other's opinions?

"You're not really the stubborn type, right? To get the things done the way you want them to be done?" She's right with that. I hate fighting and I hate being upset about things that happened during a fight.

"You're the complete opposite. What makes our relationship just perfect, don't you think, girlfriend?" I saw the little smile tug at her lips as she continued cutting up the apples and grapes. "You're absolutely right, boyfriend,"

We spent the rest of the evening with planning the event and drinking wine. That was the last thing I could remember before tiredness took over.


I am uncomfortable. I am not laying beneath sheets, neither am I in any proper sleeping clothes and I am not in a laying position. I feel hair all over my face and someone's presence right next to me.

I slowly open my eyes, groaning at the discomfort I am in right now. As my eyes register my environment, I realize why I am uncomfortable. We fell asleep while we planned. On the car stools with our upper bodies resting on the kitchen counter. Eliana has her head rested on my arm what's the reason why I can't feel it.

She looks peaceful as she sleeps. She's very pretty. I realize that as I look at her. And after admiring the woman sleeping next to me, I also feel another person's presence near us. I look over her sleeping figure, seeing my son with a big smile plastered across his face as he stretched his arms out to say hi to me.

I knew he would say something too but immediately put my index finger in front of my mouth to show him he needs to be quiet as I try to pick Eliana up without waking her. "Come with me," I tell Liam and make my way up the stairs to my bedroom.

The red numbers on my clock show 05:57 so it's definitely still time to sleep. I tuck Eliana beneath the sheets, tell Liam to lay next to her and then get in bed with them, cuddling my son close to me before I fall asleep again.


Love them.

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