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Alex and I made some small talk at first, which helped me to let loose a little and now with the help of my third glass of wine, I am the old me again

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Alex and I made some small talk at first, which helped me to let loose a little and now with the help of my third glass of wine, I am the old me again.

"So... what do you want to know?" He asks. Alex seems to be a really nice person, and he can be more than a grump. What do I want to know? "Do you speak russian?"

Alexander looks at me, then to his glass as he takes a sip and then says "konechno, ya delayu" after swallowing the sip he took. I have no idea what it means but it sounded russian and attractive so I guess I know my answer to that. "Do you speak spanish?"

"que pregunta?" There's this absolutely comfortable silence between us. We let each thing we say suck in before continuing. "Why are you a gynecologist? What made you want to become one?"

He doesn't answer me right away. "My mother died from cervical cancer. I think that's the main reason. My mom died when I was ten and Leah was a year old then. She always complained about pain and her gyn never took her seriously. It was too late when they finally listened to her and looked for the cause. She died months after that."

I couldn't imagine what it's like to loose your mom. One of the two people being responsible for you being on this earth gone. Because doctors didn't believe her. A storm of emotions crosses me and I brush a hand over the one arm that is leaning on the back of the sofa, Alex returning a sympathetic smile towards me.

"Why are you becoming CEO after your parents and not your older sister?" "My sister opened her own company two years ago. She's a psychologist so she gave me the company. I wouldn't be a real CEO anyway. My parents would always keep the company as long as they live. I'm just going to be the third owner with them and going to be able to make bigger decisions on my own without needing their approval. All three of their children get the same amount of money. We're even."

"Is that okay for you?" He asks me. "I am more than okay with it. I don't think I would be the right person to have a company and be the only one to decide what happens with it. I know what my father did to stand where he stands right now and I don't see myself there, or would be too scared to do something that might harm the company. As for the money, I wouldn't know what to do with the amount. My siblings would share the money with me too and it's their money either way." He nods again, looks away and then back at me.

"What's your relationship to Leah?" "Leah and I have had many ups and downs at siblings so I can proudly say that we are at our best at the moment." Now that I know Jacob's wife is his sister I can't not see it anymore. They actually do look alike.

We're already about to finish our second glass of wine and I think it's ten in the evening. "Are you hungry? I could make something real quick?" I actually am hungry. Very. "I would love to." Alex gets up at my answer, gets into his beautiful kitchen and starts preparing the food he talked about.

The man claims to be an amazing cook so I guess we will find out about this soon. And while I watch my fake boyfriend preparing food I almost forgot the most important question.

"How old are you?" How haven't I asked him that yet? My feet land on the marbled floor, walk over to him and my arms help me to pull myself up on the kitchen counter next to him. "Guess." Damn. I have no idea. "Twenty-four maybe?" Alexander lets a chuckle escape from his chest that makes me loose all my sanity.

"I'm twenty-eight." Wait. What? I pretend to choke on my own spittle at his answer and open my eyes widely. "Wow. Twenty-eight?! Damn, Alexander you're basically already standing in your grave with one foot."

That sentence replaces a chuckle with a real laugh. A deep, addicting laugh. Damn. He is a very pretty man. And old. "Well then, how old are you, Eliana Travino? Don't tell me it's illegal what we're doing and you're still underage?" How would it be illegal if we're not even touching each other?

"I'm twenty-three." He stops cutting his stuff for a moment and looks up at me. "Weren't you only one year older than my sister?" "I am. But there's something that's called birthday. Leah has in July this year."

"Which means that you had already had birthday this year." Damn he's smarter than he looks. "Two days ago." He stops again. "And you didn't tell me?" He's funny. "Why would I tell you?" "Because I would like to know when my fake girlfriend has birthday."

"Wow, You're really taking this dating thing serious." "Oh shut up." "How many kids do you want, Alexander?" He thinks about it but the answer he gives me seems like he's more serious and sure about it than anything else. "Four." And I'm already sorry for the woman that has to go through birth four times for this man.

We ate a russian meal called pelmeni. It was delicious. Alexander and I talked for hours and hours and got more and more taken away by the influence of the wine we drank.

He refused to let mw drive home in that condition, got me a shirt and boxer briefs of him to sleep in and told me where his bedroom is. "This apartment doesn't have a guest room. But I can sleep on the sofa and you can have my bed."

"Alexander?" He was about to leave the bedroom with me in it but stops at my words. "Don't you think we're mature enough to sleep in the same bed together? Just sleeping." It seems like he's surprised by me asking him. "If you're... okay with that."

So we slept. Next to each other. Without touching. Just sleeping until the sun woke me up the next day.


I just finished brushing my teeth, still in his clothes as I waited for him to finish his shower when the doorbell rang.


Who is it?????

Hehehhehe I love you

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