Part 19

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We landed on the front porch of my house.
"Shit, he'll know we're here." I frowned.
"Nah. He won't." Katrina said
"You traveled with my help. He will sense my energy but he will not recognize it. He'll just let it slip." They started walking towards the door.
"No." I stood in front of them. "Let me enter"
Katrina nodded.
"Do you have my things?" I asked, since my keys were is the bag I left with.
"Here." They handed it.
I looked through my stuff. There wasn't much.
"I completely forgot about this." I muttered as I pulled out the bracelet my pap' gave me so we could communicate. "Aha!" I reached for the keys.
I stepped forward, slowly, hoping no wood would make a funny noise. Gently I inserted the keys into the door, and twisted.
I nodded at Nico and Katrina, before entering the house.
I saw Michael in the living room, playing video games. I did not see my parents on the other hand.
I decided to best choice is to scare the crap out of Michael, so i crept behind him and pulled his headphones off.
"Is that what an adult should be doing with his life?" I asked. He turned around so quickly, he could've broke his neck.
"OH MY GODS." He jumped off the sofa and launched into me, almost knocking me over. I started laughing.
"Easy, I'm not made of steel, big bro." I hugged him back.
"Well, actually, you're a female. And FE in the periodic table is iron. So you're Iron Man." He said, his voice shuffled by my shirt.
"I missed you, Michael." I said once we broke off the hug.
"Gah, no shit, Bi." He sighed.
"How long has it been?" I asked. Time has been a little bit confusing lately so I decided to just ignore it. I'm sure my brother hasn't.
"Uh, about a week or so. But it felt so much longer. Especially with not knowing whether you were alive or dead." He shrugged.
"Gods. How can so much happen in only a fucking week." I frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"Later... now where is dad and Nico.?" I asked, suddenly remembering what I was supposed to do.
"Since when do you call him Nico?" Michael raised am eyebrow.
Shit. "Uh- In the past, I had to call him Nico. I guess I just got used to it." I nodded.
"Good one." A voice said. In my head. I yelped.
"What happened?" Michael asked, as he hurried closer to me.
"Calm down, it's just me, Katrina." The voice spoke again.
"Aa- uh- I thought I saw a...wasp. Yeah,a wasp. Heh, silly me" I laughed awkwardly.
Michael was still frowning. "Are you okay? Did something happen back there?"
"NO! I mean- No. Just shut it and tell me where are our parents." I crossed my arms. He sighed.
"The grocery story. They should be back any minute, so just sit down and relax." He sat on the couch and patted on the seat next to him.
"I'm actually gonna go to the bathroom." I said, as I hurried there. I made sure I locked the door.
"What do I do?" I whispered.
"You wait for them?" Katrina chuckled in my head.
"I could go into their bedroom. See if I can find anything."
"No. I told you, he doesn't remember." Katrina sighed.
"What if he does? What if he hurts Michael or-or.." I started freaking out.
"Calm the fuck down. He does NOT know about his true identity and even if he DOES he wouldn't hurt his children, Bianca. Go out there and act natural!" Katrina yelled. In my head. It's a wonder how I managed not to scream. I can't have Michael ask anymore questions. To be honest, it's like I am the bigger sibling, not him.
I looked into the mirror. For the first time in a while. My eyes widened. I looked like shit. Thankfully Katrina changed my clothes and washed my face. But I looked so lost, I had bags under my eyes, and my hair was sticking out in every direction.
After I threw some water on my face, I brushed my hair and slowly walked out of the bathroom.
I stopped when I heard my parents' voices.
"Act natural. Right. Easy." I said to myself and headed for the living room.
"Hey guys.." I leaned into the doorway.
"BIANCA!" Both of my dads yelled at the same time. They came running at me, wanting to hug me. I wanted to stop Nico and only hug dad, but it wasn't a smart choice. I accepted the hug and tried to hug them back.
"We're so worried! When you weren't answering the bracelet we only assumed the worst!" Nico said.
"I'm sorry. I lost it while playing Capture the Flag. Trust me, I freaked out a lot more than you. Just being there alone, not knowing if dad was alive or if I screwed something up..." I looked with sad eyes at them. I felt bad yet strangely satisfied that I was lying.
"I'm fine. Thanks to you. I love you Bianca." My dad kissed my forehead.
I looked at Michael, who didn't seem to have any emotion exposed. "Yeah you too." I said to dad.
"Come out with my brother. Make sure the others remain inside." I heard Katrina. I gulped. There was no doubt that they were going to try to restore his memory. That was the plan after all. But I was afraid. Will he still remember this life? Will he be the same? Will he still love Michael and I? Or Will? Holy shit, will he kill us or something?
While I was silently freaking out, my parents noticed something was wrong.
"I'm fine...Pap', could you um just step outside with me for a second? Just us?" I looked at Nico with hopeful eyes.
"Of course, tesoro." He turned to dad and Michael. "We'll be back in a few" He smiled and followed me to the door.
As I was approaching it, I slowed down, worried thoughts getting the best of me once again. What about my dad? How will he handle all of this? Should I tell him? If we go out that door, I know we won't be back for a while. He'll be worried sick. Fuck.
"What are you waiting for? Open the door." I heard pap' say. I gulped, again. I turned to look at my dad.
"Dad, I... love you." I said, my heart almost killing me with guilt. He frowned. Before he could say anything I opened the door and pulled Nico with me.
I walked as fast and as far away from the house, the door, in case someone wanted to try to listen to us, as I could.
"Bianca, slow down! What's going on?" Asked Nico as he scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
"Don't answer him. Just come a few more feet forward." Katrina's voice played in my head. I started walking even faster. Power-walking really is helpful.
"Stop!" Again, Katrina. I stopped. Nico bumped into me.
"Gosh, sorry Bi. What-what did you do? What's wrong? Talk to me." He grabbed my shoulders to make me look at him.
I just stared. Waiting, hoping, praying that Katrina and the other Nico would show up faster. I was so uncomfortable not being able to tell him the truth and I was afraid I'd break if Katrina wouldn't make an appearance.
"So much is wrong, Nicolas, I could make a list from A to Z if you wanted me to." I heard, finally, Katrina call out. They came from somewhere behind the house. Nico, the real one, was sort of using Katrina as a wall, probably hoping that Nicolas wouldn't see him, but judging from the look of confusion, shock and disbelief from my father, he could very much see his lookalike.
"Nico, for goodness' sake, just come by me. There's no reason for you to hide." Katrina scolded Nico. If it weren't for the situation we were in, I probably would have let out a little chuckle. Their gaze shifted on my pap'. But he was looking at me. He looked almost angry.
"Che. Cosa. Hai. Fatto?" (What. Did. You. Do?) He spoke with a low voice.
I frowned. "A favor. For you. For us. For our... family." I couldn't believe i just called the Demoastus' family. Are they my family? But Will and Michael are also family. What is happening?
"Ænoor æă yo fuq migqur wău" Katrina suddently yelled, derailing me from my thought. Next to me, my pap' dropped to the ground.
"Seriously? Tell me he's not dead." I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms.
"You're not stupid enough to think I killed him. It's a sleeping spell. He'll wake up soon. I hope." They sort of whispered the last part. Great. That reassured me lots.
"Now, be kind and shadow travel us back to the Sanguis Luxuriae Domus." They smiled as they picked up my pap'. "Preferably before your other father decides he wants to join."
I rolled my eyes and took their hand along with Nico's hand. I looked at my home one last time and shadow travelled us away before any doubt or regret kicked in.

A/n: Hey, so this last few months have been hard for me, I've made some mistakes and this book was the last thing I could think about. Plus some writer's block here and there. I'm sorry for not updating is what I'm trying to say. I know it's not much, but I hope you enjoy it! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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