Part 2

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After the news I just got I felt really useless but there was nothing I could've done. My pap' was beyond happy to hear that I was cooperating. He explained to me how exactly we were going to transport ourselves back to the past. Basically he was going to shadow-travel me there. Usually that kind of stuff can only be used to teleport to any location on Earth that you want. And of course it has it's limits. But because my pap' was the first son of Hades in a long time plus some other reasons that I can't understand he masters the dark powers and manipulate them very easily. Some might say that he can control the powers better than Hades.

"Bianca, this is not going to be easy. I may know what I'm doing but you have to help me too." Pap' said as he grabbed my hand.

"Of course. What do I need to do?"

"First you need to give me access to your strength and power-core."

" Okay, first...I have no idea how to do that. So just start with the explaining" So one thing you should know about me is that I'm not good with emotions. I'm more with facts and calculations, theories. The way a person can't calculate that. And what I was doing with pap' there was full-on based on emotions.

"You must free yourself of any worries. Any responsibility. Any thoughts. Just wash them away. Focus on what you feel around you, focus on how YOU feel right now" Was I right or was I right? Anyway I did what he said. Freeing myself and things. Naturally I closed my eyes. If it was supposed to help me focus, it didn't. Sorry, I tend to make jokes and sass when I'm nervous or frustrated.

"Now focus on my hand. Take a deep breath if you need and feel the dark power rushing through your veins. Try and picture in your head how you catch it and then send it to me. Just a little and I will be able to access it at higher level on my own. Focus on the physical contact."

"Just stop talking. I think I got it." Right now I could say one of those iconic things 'I didn't got it' but I'll be lying if I said so. Yeah I was shocked too. Across the room I could feel dad staring at us. It had me a moment there, making me remember why I'm doing this in the first place. Luckily I didn't lose my focus.

The following details will be confusing. Why? Because from there everything got blurry. I just remember my eyes rolling up making me look possessed and then..blackness. The next thing I know, we landed in the forest, not far from the Camp Half-Blood's entrance.

"We did it!" I whispered-shouted, thinking it wasn't such a good idea to scream since I could've drawn attention.

"Yeah...Okay! Listen carefully. I spoke with our friends at STAR Labs."

"The ones from Central City? With the meta-humans and that Flash?" I asked. My parents never talk about alliances that they make with other people. You see when I was little I thought the godly world was the only supernatural world. But along the years many other things came out to light. Witches, wizards, vampires, warlocks, shadow-hunters, downworlders, seelies, angels, meta-humans, breachers, banshees, kitsunes, kanimas, chimeras, werewolves, were-coyotes, hunters, other earths, other dimensions, time-travel and the list goes on. My pap' usually keeps in contact with them in case of an emergency. Once he does a favor for them they own him in exchange...well, a favor. He uses the word 'friends' to describe the relationship between them. Truly I think it's nothing more than a partnership.

"What exactly did you do for them this time?" I looked at him suspiciously.

"Nothing, really. I explained the situation and they were happy to help us. They're good people."

I narrowed my eyes.

"If you say so."

"Back to the subject, I spoke with them and they made this device. Caitlin gave some scientific explanation but I didn't catch most part of it. It's supposed to let us communicate through the space-time barrier." He said as he gave me this bracelet. It was pretty fancy, not gonna lie.

"So, I can contact you whenever I want?"

"Exactly. Most importantly do not let anybody know who you really are. Choose a fake name and introduce yourself only with it."

"Oh, that's not hard. How about.....Mary? Mary Darkwood."

"Pretty good. And one more thing..ugh where is it...yes! Take this. It has every detail of what happens." He gave me a book. Personally I don't mind reading books but I knew who wrote it and gods...I don't want to read things from his point of view. The title was "The Hidden Oracle". Guess who wrote it? Apollo himself! Not that I don't like Apollo. It's just...he has weird way of doing things.

"Okay...Anything else?"

He handed me my dagger. Shoot, I forgot about it.

"That would be all. Good luck and I love you" He kissed my forehead.

"Thanks, I'll be needing it. I love you too" I smiled.

"Don't die!" He said as he vanished into the shadows. I giggled. Oh boy, I'm going to get myself killed from the moment I step into the Camp. Not that he needed to know that.

I started to walk toward the entrance when I realized that I've forgotten a small detail. I couldn't just...walk into the camp, unharmed and with no back-story.

"Think Bianca, think." I muttered as I gently hit my fist into my forehead. So my name's supposed to be Mary Darkwood, I'm from...let's say Brooklyn. My parents. Oh shoot. If I'm a child of two demigods I can't possibly be claimed. Hades and Apollo would just confuse themselves. How did my pap' not think of this?! The only way is to ask one of them to claim me. Since Apollo is no longer a god... I had to speak with Hades. Fingers crossed it won't change the time-line. Plus this way I can get closer to my pap's past self. Perfect plan. 

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