Part 5

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Ω |PART 5| Ω

"Hi! How are you feeling, Mary?" Will asks as he entered the room.

"Good. Pretty good. Did you solved that problem with your dad?" I asked. I already knew the answer but I was trying to make a conversation.

"Oh, yes! He just got here from a quest. He wasn't injured very badly. Few bruises, he'll be fine!" Will smiled at me. Does my dad ever stop smiling?

"I'm glad"

"C'mon! It's lunch time. Chiron said that you could sit at the Apollo table. Need to keep an eye on you." He said. In a rush he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the infirmary. In case you're wondering, yes, it was THE Chiron. The ancient centaur who trained demigods, son of Kronos. He was the director of Camp-Half Blood. Well, not really. Dionysus was. Zeus cursed him for flirting with one of his girlfriends or something and sent him here, to CHB.

"Oh...That's... great! But weren't you gonna ask me how I got here in the first place?" I asked confused as we reached the dinning pavilion.

"Well, yes. But I figured you might be hungry. You can tell me after dinner, at the camp fire."

"Ooo-kay. That sounds good"

We sat at the Apollo table. You see, there every god had a cabin and a table. Campers were not allowed to switch their places unless it's a special case. That's why I wondered...why was Nico at the Apollo table? I guess Apollo was curious about the same thing because he asked: "Nico, shouldn't you be sitting at the Hades table?"

He shrugged. "Technically, yes. But if I sit alone at my table strange things happen. Cracks open in the floor. Zombies crawl out and start roaming around. It's a mood disorder. I can't control it. That's what I told Chiron." I laughed mentally. Nice one pap'.

"And is it true?" Apollo asked.

Nico smiled thinly. "I have a note from my doctor."

Will raised his hand. "I'm his doctor."

I tried to stay silent. I couldn't stop shacking from laughter.

"Chiron decided it wasn't worth arguing about." Nico said. "As long as I sit at a table with other people, like...oh, these guys for instance... the zombies stay away. Everybody's happier."

Will nodded serenely. "It's the strangest thing. Not that Nico would ever misuse his powers to get what he wants."

"Of course not" Nico agreed.

I chose to eat some pizza. Their conversation continued but I wasn't paying attention. I basically knew all the details. Apollo asked where were the Seven. They are seven demigods who were chose by the Fates to save the world from Gaia. Percy and Annabeth were studying in New York, aunt Hazel and uncle Frank were at Camp Jupiter, Jason and Piper were back in Los Angeles with Piper's dad, at school. And Leo... he was dead. Well not really. He sacrificed himself to put Gaia back to sleep. He ended up in Ogygia with the goddess Calypso. The bronze dragon that Leo build, Festus, managed to give him the physician's cure. That thing could bring the dead back. So it brought back Leo. When everyone thought he was dead they got a message from him telling that he's okay and that he's with Calypso.

When we were done, we went to the camp fire. He pulled me aside.

"You'll need to get back in the infirmary. The day after tomorrow you're free to leave"

"Oh, okay." I didn't had anything against that.

" I won't be here for long. Nico doesn't like camp fires and I promised that I would stay with him this night. He gets really bad nightmares."

"How so?" I was really confused. From what does he get nightmares?

Will cleared his throat. "Um I don't know if he's comfortable with me telling you. But uhhh do you really wanna know?"

What is he talking about? I frowned. "Yes!" He looked at me weirdly. I think my reaction was a little exaggerated.

"Okay... around the time when the war with Gaia started he.....fell into Tartarus." My eyes widened. "He went there all alone and later he was caught by giants. They kept him in a jar and wouldn't give him any water or food. They tried to get information out of him. Since he couldn't betray us he had to keep himself in a kind of coma to save air. He ate only some pomegranate seeds that he got from Persephone's garden." Will looked terrified. If just the thought frightened Will then I couldn't imagine what my pap' went through. My eyes started watering. They never told me about this. Why didn't they?! Gods. That's why pap' never let me look into his drawing book. He said that I wouldn't want to know what he drew. All this time they were drawings of the literal Hell. I looked at Will.

"Why would you tell me any of this?"

"I feel like I can trust you. I have a good feeling about you." He managed a small smile. Yeah, no wonder, dad. I'm just your daughter from the future. Nothing out of ordinary here! What is 'ordinary' even supposed to mean?

I nodded. "Can I go back in the infirmary?"

"Uh well I was hoping you would tell me how you ended up here" Will said.

"Right. So I come from Brooklyn. I live with my mom. No other man. She never lied to me about all this" I waved my hands in the air. "She did her best to keep the monsters away but eventually it wasn't enough. She drove me all the way here. I got lost in the woods and came across a monster." I looked at him hopefully. Praying that he believed me.

"I-Wow. You're pretty luckily to have a mom that never lies to you."

"Yeah..." After finding out that my dads lied to me about a big, painful part of my pap's life... nevermind.

"Do you know who your godly parent is?"

"No. That, she never told me. Said that it was better not to know." I shrugged.

"Thank for telling me. You can go now" He smiled. Again.

" Good night, Will" I said as I got up to leave.

" Back to you, Mary"

As soon as I reached my room, I slammed the door shut.

"Those-those AGH" I screamed. HOW, how could they lied to me. I kicked the bed. Then I remembered... I had the bracelet. I press some button in hope that it would do something.

"Bianca! Are you okay? How's the pa-"

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I was too angry. Shadows started to form around me.




"I-um. I couldn't. Bi, I spent years trying to forget it. Nightmare after nightmare. I couldn't handle it. I can't handle it. Will and I decided to never talk about that again."

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. But pap'...that event marked you. Forever. You can't just erase it. What else haven't you told me?" The darkness started to fade.

"Nothing that I could think of at the moment."

I sighed loudly. "Is dad okay?"

"Physically... yes. Mentally... not so much. He's worried about you. We all are. Also the dying thing keeps him up at night. Don't worry he'll pull through. If you succeed, of course. I don't mean to put any pressure on you."

"No, it's fine. I actually made friends with him. Past him. Little longer' till Ha-" I did not wanted to tell him about my deal with Hades right now. He already has a lot on his mind. " 'Till I can get closer to you too. Don't worry. I'll make this all right again."

"I know. I must go .You do what you gotta do. Bye sweety."

"Bye dad."

After he closed the 'call' I flopped on the bed. I looked at the clock. 11 p.m. I turned on the side and started at the wall. I didn't think about anything. Just stared at the wall. After a few minutes my eyes started closing. I fell asleep without even realizing it. 

Meet the future, Solace-di AngeloWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt