Part 14

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Resting a bit didn't sound like such a bad idea. But, of course there's a 'but', we still had one more challenge to face.

I hate spoilers. Especially when you don't know when the specific spoiler it's gonna happen.

I've been standing outside the infirmary, shaking my leg non-stop. If I'm getting out of the next attempted murder, alive, I get to finally go home. Hell, my whole life is an attempted murder.

"Hey." said a voice behind me. I turned around to see Cecile. He looked tired.

"Oh, 'sup?" I asked, with the same bored, exhausted voice as him.

"I wanna liven't. You know, like I don't want to die but I don't want to live. So I just live don't. Liven't.." He cracked up a small smile. I chuckled.

"No shoot, Sherlock." I said looking down at my hands. Gods, this conversation was awkward.

"Are you okay? You look like... you're waiting for something. Something bad." He frowned.

"Pfft- Whaaat? Nah. Just..worried. About Apollo, Will, Kayla..." I trailed off. 

"Me too-" He gasped.

Now, who would like to guess what interrupted him? That's right, his great-great-great grandmother rose from the dead.... chill, I'm just messing with you guys. Tho that actually happened. Since his father is Hermes, Hermes' father is Zeus...anyhow! I'll tell you what happened.

I looked where his eyes went and saw Apollo, Kayla and Austin ridding the freaking myrmekes Queen herself , with a 80-foot alive statue right behind them. To make it better, not only that it was made from celestial bronze but it was also a statue of...Apollo...naked.. There's just some things you can't unsee.

Cecil and I started running towards them as they landed. At the same time, Will and Nico were also running towards them. Apparently they were on a date, at the canoe lake. So romantic...until a giant naked gold version of your dad ruins it all. We gathered around, trying to catch our breath. As soon as Apollo spotted me, his eyes filled with anger.

"YOU-You little...-agrh! How could you?! This is treason, guys, treason I'm telling you!" He yelled.

"Wow, wow, calm down, Apollo." Will said. "What did she do?"

" don't know?" Cecile arched an eyebrow.

"What? What am I supposed to know?" Will asked, his voice filled with curiosity.

"HA! Haha...really William? I'll tell you what! She left me for dead! She left us at the Emperor's hands! Mary thought it was a good idea to save herself and you by shadow-travelling away, while we were left for dead! If the Queen wouldn't have helped us, we would all be in Elysium right now!" Apollo spat the words, glaring into my soul.

Will gave Apollo a look. "So you're telling me that she chose to save me and herself, instead of helping you?"

Apollo looked into the 'camera' as if he was in 'The Office'. "YES!"

Will looked at me. I don't get that look from him a lot but it usually means: ' Why in the name of the nine worlds would you do something like THIS?' 

I glared back. "Yeah, been there, done that. You can't change it and neither can I, so end of chapter. Let's name it 'Saving Will's ass, you should be thankful.' But now we have much more important things to focus on. New chapter: 'Getting rid of the Colossus Neronis , before Apollo's.. dingily dongily dong scars my memory forever!" I pointed at the statue, which was getting terribly close to us.

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