Part 6

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Ω |PART 6| Ω

"Mary...Maryyy. MARY!" I felt someone scream in my ear. I suddenly opened my eyes and groaned.

"Dad, what the- I mean...Sorry. Why did you screamed in my ear" I looked up. Will. And I called him dad. It's not my fault, okay?! I was half-asleep. I couldn't think straight. Well of course I couldn't since- You know what? Nevermind.

Will laughed. "Did you just call me dad?"

"I- uh. My mom's ex-husband. He used to wake me up in the mornings. He kinda looked like you. Sorry. Again" Very good, Bianca. Nice and smooth. I'm sure he bought it.

"Oh. No problem. Come on, get ready. We have to get to breakfast." He said. "I have to go. Want to be there when Nico wakes up. He's just so cute with that skeleton pjs and messy hair." I could see that whenever he said pap's name his face lit up even more than usual.

"So... you sleep with him?" I smirked.

"Well, yes. I help him with his nightmares and-" He suddenly blushed. "I-I uhhh, umm, you- yeah- I mean no- shoot- BYE!" He walked out embarrassed and hit himself in the door. He forgot that it was closed. I started to laugh. My dad never really changed. He's the same as he is now. Or then? You got my point. My pap' on the other hand...he changed. He got out of his emo-ish phase and cured his depression. He's better.

I slowly went into the bathroom. I HATE morning breath. I chose to wear a short black skirt and a turtleneck black shirt. I put on some make up, including black lipstick and a binnie. You guess what color? Anddd you're right. It was black. I assure you, I'm not emo, I just think that black suits me the best. It took me around 30 minutes to be done. Oh and the most important thing... what I'm about to tell you, will blow your mind. I had pockets! Real pockets! Not that crappy, fake ones from jeans.

I shoved my hands in them while I was walking towards the pavilion. My eyes scanned the perimeter for my future parents. And... there they are! Only this time... they were sitting at the Hades table. I chuckled. Chiron really needs to learn how to say no. I finally sat down and greeted them.

"Heeeeyy guys!" Ok, that sounded like a rich-rude-typical-white girl. Sorry! I hate that type of girls. Reminds me of my dads' bully. Drew Tanaka, daughter of Aphrodite. Funny fact: She was my dad's ex-girlfriend. They dated a few... months, I think, right before the war with Gaia. Then, when Will and Nico started dating she always flirted with dad. Said that she would 'make him straight'. How does that even work?!

"Oh, Mary! Hi!" Will smiled.

Nico frowned. "Who are you, again?"

"Nico. Be nice. Please." Will looked at Nico with puppy-dog eyes.

"Oh, no. It's totally fine. I'm Mary. Will saved my live two days ago and since then we've become friends." I tried to smile as nicely as possible and extended my hand for him, to shake it. He looked me up and down. "What? You don't like how I dress up? Hate to break it into you, but you have a similar style."

"No! You look good. I just don't trust people so easily. I'm Nico." He shaked my hand.

" Thank y-" I suddenly felt like I was shoved in an iced bath. Luckily I had that black lipstick on, otherwise I'm pretty sure my lips would be purple. I shivered.

"Mary? Are you okay?" Will asked. I think he saw me shiver.

"Y-y-yeah. I'm f-fi-fine" I stuttered.

"Mary." Will frowned. Hoho, first time for everything.

"I'm j-just r-really c-co-cold" Mind you, it was summer. That only meant one thing. "Hades..." I muttered.

"What?" Nico asked.


"I think you might be sick. There is certainly no problem with your stab wound." I could see dad activate his doctor mode.

"Holy unholy freaking Underworld..." I looked at Nico. His eyes were watering. He put his hand over his mouth. Shortly after Will started to stare at me, too.

"What? What's happening?" I asked confused. At least I tried to act confused. I knew exactly what was going on. All of the sudden all Camp was staring at me. Including, Chiron and Dionysus. They weren't looking at me, they were looking above me. I lifted my head.

"Son of a breach..." My mouth hanged open. Just above me there was the symbol of Hades. Shocking right?? Yeah, no. I barely kept my laughter inside. I looked at Nico. "Looks like we have to share your cabin...bro."

"I will kill Hades. I thought he wasn't going to... I thought I was the only one" He hugged me. As I hugged back I could feel his ribs. Gods, he was so skinny. Then we hear someone clear their throat.

"Welcome, Mary Darkwood, Daughter of Hades!" Chiron said, way too loud. All the camp started to cheer.

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