Part 3

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"AAAAAA DEAR MOTHER GODS" I screamed from the top of my lungs. I might've miscalculated one lil' detail. How in Tartarus do I get past Cerberus? It's not enough that he scared the living hell out of me. Now I have to get past him too? He barked at me. Well, I mean they. Imagine being terrified of dogs. Now imagine that a dog is barking at you. Now, multiple his size with 50 and add two more heads. If that ain't scaring you, I don't know what will.

"Easy boy! I'm a friend. I just want to have a quick chat with Hades." I tried to smile but my body was trembling in fear. I could fall into Tartarus, I could look into Kronos's eyes. I could battle a hundred demons at once. And through all of that I'm still terrified of Cerberus growled at me. I'm pretty sure he frowned too but I couldn't really tell.

"Now, now Cerberus. You know I enjoy having guests. Especially if they're not dead! Let the girl in." A voice boomed across the room. I got used to Hades' voice. First time I've properly met him I thought he was beyond creepy. But now... I couldn't care less. I started walking toward the throne. Hades was watching me with an eyebrow raised. "Now, mortal. What brings you to the Underworld? If you wish for me to bring a loved one back, I'm afraid I cannot. It's common knowledge." Hades smirked.

"I-no. That's not why I'm here. I need your help" I sounded confident. Don't ask me how. I NEVER sound confident.

" I see. Let's say I help you. What is it for me?" Ugh, he can't possibly want something in return. What am I supposed to offer him?

"Well, um, I don't have anything to give you. But I do think you're going to help me anyway." This time, I smirked.

"How so?" He asks suspiciously.

" Okay I'm just gonna say it. My name is Bianca Solace-di Angelo. I'm Nico's future daughter and he send me on a quest. This quest. In order to get closer to his past self and to be able to use my dark powers without anyone questioning it, I need you to...claim me as your child." I watched his reaction carefully. For a second there I saw pure shock in his eyes. "Is there any chance that you would believe me?" I asked shyly.

"Oh, no. I believe you. It's just... I didn't expect Nico to survive this long" He rubbed his forehead.

"How-" I tried to ask how did he knew that I was telling the truth but he shushed me right away.

"I just do. On the claiming part..I will try to achieve that as fast as I can" Hades smiled at me. I don't often see him smile but I rather enjoy his smiles. He looks like my pap'. I mean, my pap' looks like him. You got the idea. Seeing either of them actually smiling is a 'miracle' as my dad usually says.

I breathed in relief. "Thank you so much. I thought convincing you would've been a lot harder."

"HADES! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO? A woman's voice came from far behind Hades's throne. Her voice wasn't harsh or mean. I think she just wanted to be heard.

"And that would be Persephone. If you'll excuse me. I trust you know the way out?"

"Sure." As he leaved I bit my lower lip in frustration. So far, so good. But because of how my life has gone so far, I usually tell myself 'With one good thing, a bad one will come along'.

Meet the future, Solace-di AngeloWhere stories live. Discover now