"I'll join you and your friends if you want?" She tries to stand up but I use my body weight to keep her where she is.

"In a minute...I'm enjoying this"

She brushes my hair out of her face and kisses my lips "okay" my head tucked into the curve of her neck. Her arm relaxing along the back of the couch behind me. After a phew minutes we get up and join my friends down the stairs.

I see Lou constantly looking around the room. Like she's looking for someone.

"Are you expecting anyone?"

"Just one of my friends were meant to be coming tonight to give me something but she's not here yet...I will get you all more drinks"

I watch her as she weaves between people in the crowd to the bar, many people stopping to talk to her. After a phew minutes she arrives back at the table with a tray of drinks. A brunette woman suddenly appears. Lou looks very happy to see her. She stands up straight away.

"I will be back in 10 lovely"

She tries to get the brunette up to her office but she stops to speak to us.

"Hope you girls are having fun" she's smiling at all of us.

She has a warm presence surrounding her.

"Not going to introduce me to your friends Lou"

Lou rolls her eyes. "This is Debbie ocean everyone"

"This is Gwen, Jess and Beth" she leans her hand out for us to shake. Suddenly I remember she was speaking to this Debbie woman on the phone at my apartment. She's stunning.

"Oh so this is Gwen" she looks down at me with a smile "it's very nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you"

I see Lou shaking her head slightly, looking rather embarrassed.

"Debbie! Come on, let's get this done"

"Okay...okay...keep your hair on, it was lovely meeting you all, Gwen...dont be a stranger" she places a hand on my shoulder and gives it a light squeeze before following Lou up to the office.

After 30minutes Lou returns without Debbie.

"Sorry about earlier, I'm free the rest of the night now" she places her hand on my leg which rests there for most of the night"

"Don't worry about it, everything okay"

"Yeah course" she pouts her lips slightly "that was my best friend Debbie, we are roomates and buisness partners"

"She's very pretty" I look at my full glass

"Yeah she is...but not my type" she searches for my eyes with hers "you know what I mean"

I nod, feeling myself blush. I try to hide it. I can see Lou in the corner of my eye smirking.

"We better get going...its 1am" after another couple of hours we decide its time to head home.

The others agree, we ask Beth if she wants to stay with us tonight since she lives outside the city. She agrees. Lou looks a little sad at the thought of us leaving. She insists on giving us a lift home in one of her cars. I sit in the front with Lou while the others sit in the back. Her leopard print jacket sits over the passenger seat. I pull it over me. I Bury my head in it, smelling her scent all over it. The smell gives me butterflies. I wrap it around me as I drift into a light sleep. She looks over at me sleeping and smiles so lovingly.

We arrive back at our apartment. Lou waking me with a kiss. The others have already went in.

"Sorry I fell asleep, must be that jacket of yours" I laugh

"Yeah must be, I mean...it always makes me fall asleep" she jokes

Shes leaning over me slightly with her arm resting above my head, her fingers playing with my hair.

"How do you do it?"

"Do what?" She tilts her head to the side

"This...you make me feel-"

I stop myself from talking, knowing I'm going to say to much because I've had a lot to drink.

She looks at me with soft blue eyes, they are looking right into my soul "keep talking...dont be scared"

I try to avoid eye contact because I'm scared she will see the words through my eyes.

"Nothing" I brush her off, I try to kiss her but she pulls away

"You don't get to kiss me until you tell me"

I roll my eyes "you make me feel things I've never felt before...its terrifying"

She looks at me with puzzled eyes "why is it terrifying?"

"Because you will leave eventually, I'm scared I'll never feel this way for someone else again" I'm looking down at my hands as my fingers play with my rings.

"I'm not going anywhere I pro-"

Before she can finish I cut her off "don't promise me anything, I beg you...I hold onto promises and they are almost always broken"

She nods.

"Let me walk you in"

We walk up to the front door. She takes my face with both hands and kisses me hard with her soft lips. She then leans her forehead on mine.

"Goodnight sweetheart" she whispers

"Goodnight" I whisper back

She opens the front door for me. I look back at her as she blows a kiss. I pretend to catch it and place it on my chest. It makes her laugh.


Thank you so much for ready 💛💛 I hope you enjoy 💛💛

Miss MillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz