Vexed, Lisa grabbed a fistful of her hair. "But I don't have so much money".

"This isn't something I can help with. Please pay the penalty fee within a week. If not, we may sue you".

"Even if you sue me, I still don't have the money...."

"Lisa, do you know how serious it is to not pay up after the court asks you to do so? Let's not mention how you won't be able to buy a house or a car in the future and just talk about the present. If the court judges you to be insolvent, you'll be completely banned from riding in more expensive modes of transport such as airplanes and high speed rails. The next time you head home, you can only take the ancient green trains with hard seats".

Manager Song rattled off all that in one breath. When he was done, he saw Lisa had propped and elbow on the table and was resting her chin on her hand. Her beautiful doll face with the cute bangs and her big doe eyes fixed on him and seem to see all his inner thoughts.

He felt a little awkward and pushed up his spectacles. "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Manger Song, did Jungkook put you up to this?"

"Cough, errrr that...."

It was clear to Lisa what was going on. She stifled the rage in her heart and gave a scathing smile. "You don't need to deny anything. If Jungkook had any objections, he would have raised them long ago. Isn't the truth that he was tolerating all that just for this moment? He wants to mess with me".

Manager Song felt a little upset. As an old, single dog, why is he getting involved in these youngsters trivialities? What's with the vibes of "The Overbearing CEO's Relentless Pursuit" and "Contract Secretary:100% Love?" Screw this all!

Even though he had rolled his eyes countless times in his heart, what needs to be done still needs to be done. Manager Song arranged the documents and told Lisa his Google pay account number.

"I want to see Jungkook" Lisa said.

"You can see him at any time. That's between the both of you" As Manager Song spoke, he kept the documents, rose, and with extremely swift steps, escaped the office.

When he was outside, he bent his head and texted Jungkook: This is the last time I'm helping you to trick someone!

In the room, after Manager Song left. Lisa was so furious that she heavily slammed one hand on the table.

Her phone screen lit up. She lowered her head to glance at it. It was Jungkook informing her of his current location in the canteen.


When she reached the canteen, Lisa was still fuming. She sat across Jungkook and stared at him. Her chest heaved heavily from anger and her rounded eyes glittered with hostility. Her cheeks were puffed up like an angry pufferfish.

Jungkook's heart brimmed with glee.

This appearance of her was great for whetting his appetite. Jungkook finished his meal and went to buy another set.

When he sat back down, Jungkook heavily stomped his feet beneath the table.

She succeeded only one. When she tried again, his swiftly dodged. The two of them kept at this for a while. Then, Jungkook suddenly stretched out his legs and deftly pinched Lisa's two legs together. His lower legs were long and strong, managing to firmly trap her two ankles together. Like an animal leg-hold trap, he mercilessly secured this small animal that has encroached on his territory.

His legs were too strong. Lisa repeatedly tried and failed to break free. She said lividly, "Lunatic, let me go".

Jungkook did not continue messing around and actually released her just like this.

Lisa wanted to stomp him again. He easily dodged her feet, raised his brows and grinned at her. "Really?"

She resentfully withdrew her leg and rapped the table. After keeping her emotions in cheek, she raised her chin and asked, "Jungkook, just what are you up to?"

"I was oppressed by you for six years". Jungkook lightly quirked his lips, his smile seeming somewhat perverted. "It's only been one month and you can't stand it anymore?"

"Oh, I get it. You just want me to continue being your little eunuch, isn't it? Jungkook, bullying me like this is really fun for you, huh?"

"Nope". Jungkook shook his head while smiling. "It's extremely fun".

Lisa wanted to kill him.

Jungkook finished his lunch and neatly steaked his plates together. He told Lisa, "It's either you pay up or you work your debt off. Choose one".

"What If I don't choose?"

Lisa leaned back, crossed her arms and studied him. She shoot her head and sighed, "What a perfectly loveable boy you are. Really gives one the urge to beat you up".

Jungkook: "...."


Lisa completely did not expect Jungkook to set such a huge trap for her, let alone using such a crude and unscrupulous method.

As a veterinary science major, she could only Baidu the relevant laws and use her general knowledge to briefly analyse the situation. In the end, she texted her father.

Lisa: "Daddy! I miss you all so much!"

Principal Manoban: "What? Are you out of money?"

Lisa: "...."

Principal Manoban: "It's only been a few days into the month. Where did all your allowance go?"

Lisa: "No, I just want to buy a little bit of stuff".

Principal Manoban: "Buy what?"

Lisa: "A laptop, ice skates, clothes, bags and lipsticks".

Principal Manoban: "Is this the "little bit: that you want to buy? You're such a modest child"

Lisa: "And a telescope".

Principal Monoban: "What does a veterinarian like you need a telescope for? Are there pigs in the sky?"

Lisa: "Who doesn't have a hobby...."

Principal Manoban: "How much do you need?"

Lisa: "40,000 yuan should be enough".

Lisa: "If 40,000 yuan is too much 37,000 is fine too...."

Principal Manoban: "Child, now that you're 19, there's something that Daddy should let you know".

Lisa: "What?"

Principal Monoban: "Actually, you're adopted".

Lisa: "...."

She almost fell for it.

Unable to get any money from her father and unwilling to take the ancient green trains home, Lisa hesitated for an afternoon before she finally texted Jungkook.

Lisa: "I'll have you know that I have an unbreakable spirit".

Extra Bonus:-

Lisa: "I'll have you know that I have an unbreakable spirit.

Jungkook: "That's why your body is mine. ^-^

Lisa: "...."

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