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it has been about two weeks since Ian left and he hasn't texted or called anyone.

none of the Gallaghers have any clue where he is but I didn't tell them because if Ian wanted them to know he would have told them himself.

each morning I would go to their house and ask everyone if they had heard anything about him but no one ever did.

this morning I walked through into the kitchen where Debbie, carl and fiona were.

the house was quiet with them being down two Gallagher boys with lip at college. 

"still nothing" I asked Fiona as she poured some coffee.

"nope sorry millie" she said with a sad smile.

then carl came down stairs 

"hey millie seeing as Ian doesn't want you anymore why don't we go back up to my room" he said to me with a smirk 

"ew carl no, I have known u since u were 9. plus that's illegal seeing as I'm 18 now" I said walking past him 

carl thinks now that he is 12 and got hair under his arms he can get any girl he wants. and to add to it Debbie has now started dressing like a hooker. 

"well we will tell you as soon as we find anything about Ian" Fiona said as she walked with Debbie and carl out the door. "Oh and can u watch Liam today, thanks"

well I didn't really have a choice because she was already out of the door before I could answer, so I guess I was skipping school today 

I went up to Liam and went and sat next to him on the sofa and started watching tv with him.

"hey buddy, you promise not to every screw over girls like your brother Ian" I said to him 

he didn't have any clue what I was on about but he still nodded.

we carried on to watch tv for a couple hours but then I decided to go and see lip at college and take Liam with me. 

I got some odd looks on the L for being by myself with a black toddler but I just ignored them. 

when I got there I carried Liam through the hallways to try and find Lip's room, and when I finally did I knocked on the door and a random chick with glasses answered.

"hey, er is lip here" I asked pointing to the room

"no not right now but u can come in and wait for him, I'm going to a class so can't talk" she said and then walked out past me 

I went inside and sat on what I assumed was lip's bed seeing as it was the one on the side of the room without all of the decorations and the computer.

 after what felt like the longest 20 mins ever lip finally came back

"shit millie you scared me" he said coming over to me as I stood up 

"hi lip" Liam said waving 

"hey buddy" lip said giving him a quick kiss on the head.

then lip pulled me in for a quick hug and then we sat back down

"long time no see, what are you doing here" he asked 

"well I will start off by letting you know that none of us have still not heard anything from Ian" 

"shit" he shook his head 

"well how are things back at the house"

 "Fiona is boning her boss, Debbie is dressing like a hooker and carl is trying to get with me" 

"oh shit well I'm glad I'm not there to witness all of that" he laughed 

after a little while I decided to head back with Liam 

as I was walking down the corridor some guy came up to me and started touching me 

"hey get off of me" I said 

"come on girl" 

"No get off, I have a boyfriend" 

I don't know if I said that because I wanted this dude to leave me alone or if I was confused about if Ian leaving meant we have broken up 

then lip came out of nowhere and pushed the guy off of me

"she said get the fuck off of her dude, now get out of here" 

"thanks lip" I smiled

when I got home I tried calling Ian again and it just went straight to voicemail so I decided to leave him one 

"hey Ian, its me again. I know you're probably still mad at me about the whole wedding thing but I just wanna know if you're okay. and your family is worried about you so call me. I love you" 

and now all I could do was eventually wait for him to call one of us back. 

A/N sorry about the short chapter, next ones will be longer again

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