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Me, Ian, Lip and Mandy walked to the front door without saying anything.

"hey Lip can I just have a sec with Millie and Mandy" Ian said

"yeah sure" he replied opening the front door

"I'll see you later he said walking out"

"bye" me and Ian said together.

then we both looked over to Mandy who was just looking down at the floor.

"so when did you get home" I asked

"last night" she said

then Ian looked at her as if to say how did it all happen

"he drinks and mistakes me for mom" Mandy said "only once in a while it's not like it's a big deal."

"watch the fucking look on your face. A Gallagher looking down on me, I don't think so" she said to Ian.

"mandy" I said and then giving her a look

"why did he think it was me" Ian then asked

"blacks out, forgets. Lip better keep his mouth shut" Mandy said

"he will"

"I just wish the whole thing would go away" Mandy said

"tell me about it" I added

"we can make it" Ian said

"you got $600 lying around Ian" I said

"we can raise it" he said

me and Mandy looked at him confused

"not the baby. the money" he then said.

I'm so glad he said that because I thought he was talking about the baby and it got me worried for a sec.

"thanks" Mandy replied

Then me and Ian left and went to catch up with Lip

"you an stay at my place for a couple nights if you want millie, I don't want you going near your dad after what has happened to Mandy because I don't want it happening to you too"

I just nodded.

When we got home Ian recognised that I was a little worked up about the whole situation with Mandy and my dad

"I fucking hate him" I said as we sat down on the sofa.

"yeah me too" Ian replied "you want a beer" he added standing up as I followed him into the kitchen

Debbie, carl and Liam were in bed and I think Fiona was out with Steve. so it was just me and Ian downstairs as we didn't know where Lip was

We watched a movie and then realised it was 2am so we decided to go to bed.

I got into Ian's bed with him and he fell asleep very quickly. But I couldn't sleep at all. I couldn't get the thought of Terry doing that to Mandy out of my mind, it just kept fucking with me.

So I gently lifted Ian's arm off of me and quietly went downstairs. I opened the fridge and took out a beer and sat at the table and just drank it.

then when I finished it I got up and got another. before I knew it there were 5 empty bottles of beer sat in-front of me. shit. I'll use my pay check to go and buy them so more tomorrow.

I stumbled back up the stairs and back into bed with Ian my head pounding even more now.

I was asleep for about two hours before light began shining through the window.

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