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2021, July 20th, 12:53 pm






Felix furrowed his eyebrows, looking directly at Changbin. The man infront of him just told him that the plans had to be canceled or atleast postponed. It was so sudden, and the least amount of expected.

"What happened? Are you are the guys okay?" The worry in his voice made Changbin tense up.

"I can't tell for sure. I just believe it would be smart to keep your distance for a bit. I'm the only one who hasn't gone completely insane yet." The boy scooted back onto his bed at the word yet, and he sighed.

"What if I'm hungry?"

"Then I'll bring you food and a drink."

"What if they teleport into my room?"

"They don't have the strength to hurt you, but they don't have the power to ignore the pain, so we are still working on that."

"Where am I?"

"You're new room."

Shocked, he glanced around the room, noticing the detail and small accents of each of the Uiqai's rooms. But majority looked new and modern.

"Thank you Bin." He gratefully said, bowing his head.

The older response with a smile before teleporting next to Felix. He wrapped his arms around his waist and pulled him into a hug. "Anything for you, my prey."

Most people would think what Changbin said was scary, but Felix blushed hard-core, because it was very flirty.

The Uiqai pecked Felix's cheek, then the corner of his lips, trying to avoid the temptation. After that, he disappeared, leaving a very much stunned Lix in a very much overwhelming room.





In Hell, with Lucifer

"Gaiio." Hyunjin muttered, glaring down at the floor, while he spoke the unknown language. What he said was, Father.

"Hyunjin." The lord demon responded, staring at the Uiqai with attentiveness. "Qladin tœ kae tòka matis?" 'What brings you back home?'

"Dainor nak lorabus bunakü." 'This shall never be my home.' "Qoro pks mwne nah korani mir hwecis junakin mak eis ieklsa?" ' Do you wish to pretend you are clueless of what we question?'

The dark mist transformed into a human like being, glaring straight into his son's eyes with a demonic red eye. "Fonri." 'No.' "Jas wrn orn faki lorisumor pakina lomatirnum." 'I know exactly why you have come.'

"Euq ieklsa?" 'Why question?' Hyunjin seemed to be far too emerged into arguing with the one in front of him, he just barely forgot why he was there., but he soon remembered. "Mavin lak genisaus matuna?" 'Where is my mother?'

The demon smiled a dire smile, and disappeared, and quickly reappeared with a broken woman, his eyes soullessly black and her face solid.

"Mother..." He whispered, stepping forward to reach the woman, who stepped forward.

"To stop the pain you and you mates endure, you must transform or Mata." She stated, her voice a gentle as ever. Hyunjin stepped closer again, close enough to hug her, and so her tried but the lead Demon pulled her away, and hugged him himself.

Quickly, he teleported himself to the woman and hugged her instead. Ignoring his father's existence, he held the shorter woman with great happiness.

"Hyunjinah." The Leader of the group called, still near the other five guys. "I apologize, but we must leave soon." Hyunjin teleported away from his mother, and bowed to her, before going near his mates again.

"Goodbye mother. Gaiio, happy father's day. No matter how much I despise your presence and your soul, it cannot help the fact you are my father. I do hope one day you do disappear and let my mother have the free will she deserves. But in the meantime, I hope your soul deteriorates just like your personality did."


Hyunjin is so cute.

BTW, the language they were speaking was not Qoina, it was Demon Tounge. It is honestly just a mix of random letters.

Love you all, and I'm so glad I have received so many followers and so many comments. Thank you for reading. The end is coming soon sadly.

I will be at camp this week, and I do apologize for my lack of work this month, but I promise will be consistent next month.

Love from me to you,


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