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2021, June 5th, 2:00 pm






  Studying with Jisung was surprisingly fun, as he always made light hearted comments and funny jokes. It almost made him forget that little incident this morning.


  His rapid change of eye color is always a reminder of the Uiqai, and a reminder that this man wasn't even human. But, on an unrelated note, he was definitely simping a lot. He knows he is a complete idiot for crushing on his captors, but they still do be boyfriends material.

  "That should be enough for today. We'll meet up around the same time tomorrow, okay?" He said, pushing in the chair, and smiling kindly.

  "Alright." Felix replied to Jisung, hoping that he could finally rest as studying was consuming his energy. Groggily, he left the huge Study Hall and headed up some stairs, praying that it would lead to the only familiar place he knew in the entire palace, The Bedroom hallway. How lucky would he be if that was the bedroom hallway?


  But Felix isn't a lucky person, he groaned irritatedly, turning around. Agitated and sleepy, he practically tried to get back to the library then ended up in the bedroom hallway. Like, what the fuck?

  "I hate this place so much." He said under his breath before realizing he didn't have his own bedroom. "Fucking hell."

  "Will you quit swearing? Just get in the fucking room and sleep." Changbin grumbled, opening his door. The teen didn't even flinch at his voice, as his plan was to ignore him. The Uiqai rolled his red tinted eyes and pulled him into the room. "Are you stupid?"

  "Very, actually. I'm super sure you guys are geniuses." The human mumbled, leaning onto the other's chest. Said other was shocked, his face softened and his eyes became an unknown shade of blue, almost a dark cyan.

  He hummed, think of what to do, before he wrapped his arms around the boy and carried him to the bed. "Wrong." He responded, laying him on the bed, but the human was hesitant to let go, as he was asleep. "You aren't stupid. Just uneducated. You'll learn soon, with time." Changbin laid next to the human, doing his best not to wake him up, he pulled Felix closer, their faces inches apart. His eyes transformed into a deep pink color, as they flew across his facial features. "You're very cute, but stubborn. It makes you stand out much more than all the others. You were innocent, and knew nothing of what was happening, it made your soul even better." Once again, his eyes shifted color, they became a bright red.

  The calmness that radiated off of Felix's body made Changbin's eyes glow brighter. Even though a voice in his head screamed at him, telling him to not do what he was doing, his desire was overpowering. Leaning forward, the distance between them closed, and he slipped his tongue in.

  The door bursted open, snapping Felix awake and alert. Changbin was shoved off of the bed, but he quickly stood up, prepared to fight Hyunjin. The younger's eyes glowed a deep redish orange, making Changbin lunge at him.

  Meanwhile, an overwhelming pain filled Felix's body. He screamed in agony, his body feeling like it was on fire, while his was being shot in the heart. His head pounded with a unbareable headache. Chan hurried over to Felix, ignoring Changbin and Hyunjin fighting, with the maknae Uiqais.

  "Felix, Felix. Breathe." The leader insisted, a hand on his.

  "I--I ca-can't." Tears spilled out of his eyes, while the tormenting pain stabbed him all over again. As his body ached with affliction, he couldn't move any of his limbs.

  "Changbin Hyung. Quit playing around." Hyunjin said, making the elder stop moving. "Why the hell did you do that?!" He spat, glaring coldly at him. Changbin didn't answer, but lunged at him anyways, his eyes even more bright.

  "Hyunjinnie." Chan declared, pulling Felix into his arms. "Do it."

  Hyunjin's eyes widened, but he didn't protest. Sucking in another unnecessary consumption of air, he started mumbling some inaudible words, and Felix's pain started to slowly decrease. The human teenager gasped for air the second he could breathe normally again. Changbin seemed to start to cry immediately, and his entire face became pale, while he screamed bloody murder.

  "What happened? What did he do to me?" Felix asked when they Uiqais led him to another room far from Changbin's.

  Seungmin looked frightened, staring out into space, but he was listening. As if he was going to cry, he said quietly, "He ate some of your soul."

  "HE WHAT?!"

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