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2021, June 5th, 10:37







  Minho wasn't fazed the slightest by Felix's shocked face, nor was he amused. The blonde teen nervously smiled and pushed away his food before trying to run off. The stronger's body stiffened, then his eyes flicker to a deep red. The teen, who thought he could get away, was frozen by a strong force that was suddenly pushing him back into the chair.

  "You aren't done til' you ask to be excused. It is quite rude if you don't." He declared politely, earning an eye roll from him.

  "Can I leave now?" His annoyed words hid his fright well, but the older could still clearly hear it.

  "Don't think of us any differently now that you know what we are. You must realize that you technically have made every flaw and every weakness about us. You know us more than ourselves. I'm sure deep in your mind, you know, that you can find out how we've developed. You're like the puppeteer that forgot his puppets existed."

  Felix nodded, before feeling the relief of the force stop shoving him down. As soon as it was gone, he scurried off, this time not being stopped by Minho. The elder sighed, as his eyes died down its its usual dim red, and his back slumped down in the chair. Narrowing his eyes, his pupils faced the shadow covered wall next to the humongous table.

  "How unfortunate is it that I knew you were there the entire time." He hissed to the seemingly empty room.

  The bright pink haired Changbin stepped out from the shade, a small grin on his face. "Quite. But it's even worse scaring our guest away." Minho's form hardened, and he shot the younger a death glare.

  "What was so wrong with simply sharing the truth?"

  The younger shrugged, sitting down at the far end of the table. Neither of them raised their voices, as they had no need to. Their hearing was very well, hearing about a mile around. "There's nothing wrong with that, but I don't believe Chan Hyung would like us tell Felix every thing about us in two days."

  "You are correct, but. I wasn't sharing our entire life story unlike what Jeongin would've done." Minho suggested, closing his deeply colored eyes. The other hummed in agreement, his eyes turning a mix of fuchsia and a black.

  "True, true." The room went dead silent until they both dispersed into thin air with a loud puff of air.






  Felix couldn't go back to any room so he decided it was best to go back to the library. Surprisingly, he didn't get lost in the huge house. He went straight back to the section he was last at, picking the book that caught his eye.

  Uiqais, Demons, Vaquatias, & More...

Real or Myth?

Felix choked a small giggle, now knowing that they are very much real, then sat himself down on a comfortable couch in the corner. Flipping through the pages, trying to find the Uiqai's page, he reluctantly stopped. Scanning every word carefully, he did his best not to incorrectly read something so he could have clear information.

  'Uiqais, alike, are nothing compared to their cousin species, Demons. Their raw speed and strength require no effort. Special powers are normally given to them unless they are half Uiqai or just purely unlucky. Unlike demons, their eye color rather offen changes indicating their emotions. It is also quite rare to find an ugly Uiqais, as they are know for their undying beauty and hypnotizing attraction.

  Somewhat similar to possessing an item, when the are created, they receive a hidden form, helping them attract their victim. Said victim is usually captured for food, but if not, the Uiqai has marked or signed its soul to it, or it's group. They are commonly found in groups of ten or less. But really, due to the old nature of hunters, it is rare to be approached by them.

  Having a Uiqai mark or sign you to itself is extremely dangerous for a human or animal. Their ultimate goal is make you believe that you are sleeping with every fiber in your body, so that you eventually forget what the real truth is. I, as the author and a scientist, recommend keeping far distance from these beings.

  If you do end up with a Uiqai marking or signing their soul to you, please do not run or attempt to escape. It will only lead to more pain than nessicary, as it will not be let you go any time soon. They are very attached to its marked victims, and they get easily angry if you disagree or ignore them, as they don't like disrespectfullness. They are practically yanderes, if you don't know what they are, flip to page 195.

  Do not say more than nessicary, but try to answer or do as they say to the fullest. Laziness will be supported depending on the occasion, like if you were sick. Do not take them for complete monsters, as some could be decently nice, but really, it depends.

  Thanks for reading! Signing off! YourAuthorPup (still totally not me).'

"Ah! Always lovely news to find out, isn't it?" Felix asked out loud to no one in particular, sarcasm making itself known throughout the entire sentence.

  "Yes, of course." A voice from behind his responded with a grin.

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